Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How Should Woman Act Around Scorpio Men


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Imagenes Paty Mavidad

Pindales OUR LADY OF TRUE STORY ..... Pinal Pinal

to 1534 by the community populated area of \u200b\u200bNAYPIRACAS, Pindal current primitive group, the Naypiracas lived in disputes between them, forming sides until poisoned their own wells, which is why they had to leave the place, moving to the foothills of the Great Pircas which they named Pózul, its people, honest and hardworking had many descendants as Sarango Sandoya, Jumbo Jimbo, Tandazo, Diaz and Guaycha.
Across the valley at that time Pindal cultivated sugar cane and it was very common to see the typical grinding mills pulled by a yoke of oxen.
At that time there were only four houses, then with the passing of the years and are familiar with the wonder of the earth is attracting new people to the site from surrounding areas.
Lautaro In 1913 Loayza Luzuriaga father, Pastor of Alamor arrives to celebrate the Eucharist at Mr. Guaycha, inspired by the beauty of the Pindos that abundant and lush, swaying with the wind, the noise alegrísimo tone gave grindings to the countryside, this sage was inspired to put the official name of Pindal .
The March 27, 1927 the brothers donated free Guaycha Dr. Guillermo Root bishop of the Province of Loja and the parent representation Lautaro Loayza, to build a temple dedicated to the Virgin of the Swan and the time to training the people of Pinal.
The March 21, 1933 signed the Founding Act as Pindal formerly owned village of Canton Pózul currently part of the Celica in 1936 was parroquializada with Federico Páez name, date of anniversary was celebrated on October 9 each year.
Pindaleños In the interest of some, especially Marco Tulio González Romero and other residents, achieve cantonization to be adopted on August 10, 1989, created by Congress through a decree published in Official Register No. 253 in the chairmanship of Dr. Rodrigo Borja.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

‫time Travel (kamehasutra 2


Vives lifestyle you want or are stuck in the rat race ...

Many owners of small or not so small businesses and individual entrepreneurs have fallen into the trap of exhausting time management for the many activities they perform in your business.

Any idea of \u200b\u200bexpansion was frustrated by the lack of time and energy to carry it out, and this not only happens but tambiéna entrepreneurs who have achieved some level econ & # 243; monkey with a good job, but now find themselves trapped in a circle of more work to sustain and pay for the level attained.

researchers stress that these situations get to this point about the lack of systems and lack of vision of the entrepreneur to not focus properly on the original intent for which started your business, but with so many different tasks that could not achieve.

There are many things employers can do no matter how a company of 100 employees or an independent entrepreneur.

This video Roberto Cerrada speaks widely Jordys González, entrepreneur, expert and author of Rat Race , which discusses the details of a Situació n of stagnation and get out of it.

Monday, October 13, 2008

How To Fake Letters Of Community Service

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What Happens In Masterbayion


Pindal Canton

known as "corn capital of Ecuador" this county inhabited for hundreds of years by the very Naypiricas has a legend interesting: those who bathe in the lagoon of Papalango marries a Pindaleño, and gets to live there forever.
According to historians, Brambles were formed by many tribes, including Naypiricas, early inhabitants of El Pinal. These men were subdued by the Inca invasion by Zapotillo reached and submitted to the POCALOID and Naypiricas.
With the English conquest were dominated and incorporated into the parcel.
The Naypiricas living in conflict, until it poisoned the water, which is why they had to leave the place in search of other sites, until they reached the foot of the Great Pircas.
historical-political situation

According to historians, were formed Brambles by many tribes, including Naypiricas, early inhabitants of El Pinal. These men were subjected, like the POCALOID, by the Inca invasion, was admitted for Zapotillo. After the English control were subjected to the conflicting encomiendas.Los Naypiricas lived up to that poisoned the water, which is why they had to leave the site to other sites, the base of the Great Pircas.En l936, the parish Pindal was created through the efforts of Father Lautaro Loaiza. It is known that the first inhabitants gave him the name of Federico Paez, President of the time. Years later, through the efforts of Marco Tulio González Romero and most residents, managed cantonization, August 10, l989, in the presidency of Dr. Rodrigo Borja Cevallos.

General Information

Capital: Pindal

Size: 194 km2

Parishes: 3

Population: 7,877 inhabitants


Located in the southwestern sector of the provincia.Limita the north, with Puyango; to the south and east, with Celica, and to the west, with Zapotillo.

local dates:

- October 9, parochialization

- November 30, feast of Chaquinal

- April 21, the anniversary of December 12

- August 15, cantonization

- August 18, the feast of S. Virgin

Policy Division

Urban: Rural
Pindal: December 12 (Achiotes) Chaquinal

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CHE, Genius and Figure ...

Che Guevara was born on June 14, 1928 in Rosario, Argentina. His real name is Ernesto Rafael Guevara de la Serna. He was the eldest of five children from a family of mixed English and Irish. The date recorded on his birth certificate is June 14, 1928, but some sources say he was born on May 14, 1928. Her birth certificate was deliberately falsified to protect the family of a potential scandal. This is because his mother was three months pregnant when she married. Guevara died in Bolivia on October 9, 1967. The family was upper middle class but with socialist ideas. Still suffering from asthma attacks that paralyzed and afflicted throughout his life, he excelled as an athlete.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Memorial Note At Wedding



With the slogan "Homeland is now all" started a revolution that now Citizen has its Constitution 2008 with opportunities and clear rules for harmonious coexistence between people and nature.

is important to know because a state constitutional means this is the maximum standard that is applied directly to change our lives.

is our commitment to the country and the transformation project:

social revolution to rescue education and free health care. Productive Revolution
with humans in the center and respecting nature. Sovereign Revolution
for regional integration in the spirit of Bolivar. Policy Revolution
the 2008 Constitution as the beginning of the change process.
Ethics Revolution to banish corruption.

An Environmental and Social Revolution to live well
We will have a new country in which you are important because the state expand your rights to live well, giving priority to those most in need and ensuring safe and permanent resources.
Our rights for the good life are: Water and Food, Healthy Environment, Communication and Information, Culture and Science Education, Housing, housing, health, labor and social security
We have a system of social inclusion and equity as a coordinated package that favors education, health, social security, science and technology, housing and housing , recreation and leisure.
Education is free and secular school quality, school and college. No more strikes.
Health is free and also medicines for people with catastrophic illnesses like cancer. No more strikes.
Water is a fundamental human right essential to life that can not be privatized and we will protect from source.
7. Review concessions and waivers of unpaid payroll poorest.
Social security is for everyone, for housewives, for farmers and artisans, for migrants. There is privatized.
9. Food sovereignty to ensure an adequate, healthy and quality production that supports local and fair trade caring for people and land.
Nature has rights for the first time in history and the world.
The environment will be healthy because we care for biodiversity, preventing pollution and prohibiting the substances that deteriorate.
clean technologies, renewable energy and sanitation remain a balanced nature.
Land use planning and ecological zoning for the national heritage management and conservation of ecosystems.
The State guarantees the necessary resources to protect our protected areas financial sustainability of the National System of Protected Areas.
are protected collective knowledge on the uses of biodiversity.
Biodiversity will be protected now and for future generations
able to communicate freely, intercultural, inclusive, diverse and participatory.
recover historical memory and cultural heritage. We will have three languages \u200b\u200b
intercultural relations: Castilian, Kichwa and Shuar.
right to decent work with a salary that meets the needs of our families
21. Rights for migrants and their families with opportunities for participation and effective social inclusion.
Justice is free and applies indigenous justice. We
collective rights of peoples and nations that recognize the diversity of indigenous, black, local peasants and cholos. We
optional youth vote from 16 years and for the military. We
new rights for priority groups: the disabled, seniors, children and adolescents, and young people have special rights and measures positive action.
ensures the future of Ecuadorian family rights and recognition to families that are developed with the support of grandparents and mothers and fathers.
protects life and establishes the unconditional respect for children, pregnant women.
Pregnant women are entitled to free care for maternal health and have facilities for our recovery after childbirth and during lactation.
No pregnant women may be discriminated against because of their status or in schools and not at work.
Parents have the right to paternity leave them to share with your partner and baby at birth.
girls and boys under 6 years have free care in nutrition, holistic health, education and daily care.
The State recognizes and guarantees life from conception and provides care and protection to children and teens!
The children and teenagers are protected from all forms of violence, abuse, sexual exploitation or caused by negligence.
The children and adolescents are entitled to free education as a priority in your language and the contexts of their peoples and nationalities.
The children and adolescents have the right to be consulted, to participate and to safeguard their freedom and dignity.
Girls, children and adolescents have fathered or adopted the same rights.
labor exploitation is prohibited and work only in exceptional circumstances adolescents over 15 years.
Young people are first included in a Constitution as strategic actors in the development of the country with opportunities.
The company will provide young people access to training opportunities and employment without discrimination.
We have the right to physical culture, sport, physical education and recreation.
Military service is optional and no longer required.
Older adults with opportunities to live with dignity to ensure their nutrition, health, education and daily care.
Older advantages in tax payments to protect its economy, care and free medicine and rebates for accessing entertainment.
The State shall provide that persons with disabilities can be educated, work and funding to have their special needs.
be protected in a special way to people with dual vulnerability.
Persons deprived of their liberty enjoy all the rights common to humans. Not be subjected to solitary confinement as a punishment.
The State will create opportunities for affordable housing with better access to credit from banks popular public finances.

a political revolution that guarantees our rights
The State is constitutional which means that the new Constitution 2008 will be the benchmark for fulfilling our duties.
The Constitutional Court with a clear and transparent procedure that guarantees our rights. The state is multinational
recognizing the unity in diversity.
communities, indigenous peoples, Afro-Ecuadorian and montubios have collective rights in their territories with indigenous justice and self-organization.
The power is in the public with the new power of the State of Transparency and Social Control is the power of people.
The city councils will allow us to build consensus for planning of development.
decisions are closer to the people with decentralization, autonomous regions, and a grassroots organization from the parishes. Autonomy
political, administrative and financial support for parish councils, municipal councils, provincial councils and regional councils.
control agencies and the electoral role will be to society and not for parties.
The company will participate in the designation of public authorities to ensure transparency. We
responsibility in the revocation of the mandate to maintain a balance of power between the executive and legislative branches.
democratic parties and politicians will respond to social demands. Popular resistance
institutionalized to ensure our rights.
The burden of proof lies with the manager pollution of activity for communities and individuals do not face costs was gathering this information and enforce their rights and those of nature.

A Productive Revolution with people and work as
shaft stops turning society environment and capital market, with the new 2008 Constitution as important are the people and work in harmony with nature.
relationships between society, the state and the market be balanced, in harmony with nature.
We can decide for ourselves and walk together towards developing a new scheme that aims to satisfy our needs and our son / daughter and granddaughter I challenged.
The redistribution of income through transfers, taxes and subsidies.
generation incentives for investment in different sectors of the economy and the production of goods and services, socially desirable and environmentally acceptable.
67. The State will manage the strategic sectors: energy, telecommunications, non-renewable natural resources, transportation and refining of hydrocarbons, biodiversity and genetic heritage electromagnetic spectrum, water with the principles of environmental sustainability, precaution, prevention and efficiency.
68. Elimination of tercearización and job placement for decent work.
Democratization of the means of production: water, land, inputs, machinery, and credit.
facilitates access to factors of production for each and every society.
Access to knowledge, infrastructure and financing for production.
recognizes all forms of organization of production, private, association, community, self-employment and self-employed.
The property is protected and social function and environmental.
intellectual property is protected and prohibits the appropriation of genetic resources.
Promotion of productive employment, income generation and domestic market supply.
no longer necessary to provide certificates of the credit bureau and discrimination.
People with disabilities will gain equal pay for equal work. Economy
justice and solidarity without discrimination and opportunities for men and women.
Production and marketing of national identity and transparent markets and equal opportunities.
Promotion of fair trade of goods and services, paying attention smallholders.
access to credit, training and markets.
incentives are established for applied research and innovation for quality of life, production, competitiveness and good living.
science, technology and innovation come together with ancient knowledge for development.
84. GM-free food sovereignty and strict attention to biotechnology.
There will be no mining activities in the territories of indigenous peoples in voluntary isolation. Risk Management
giving priority to agriculture in the case of natural disasters. Sovereign

A Revolution for Regional Integration Planning
long-term development of multi-annual budgets.
policies that promote economic sovereignty domestic production without external dependence.
debt negotiations will be conducted with transparency, equity and international justice. Prioritization
social investment versus paying the debt. We
full sovereignty without foreign bases in the country.
No human being is considered as illegal because migration is a right.
citizen freedom to determine for ourselves our present and future.

an ethical revolution to banish corruption

94. A Constitutional Court to ensure observance of the Constitution 2008.
95. Probity of judges through a process of selection on merit and opposition, and evaluation.
96. Independent judiciary and that can only be judged by the National Assembly.
97. Indigenous justice that respects local traditions with respect to women.
98. Speed \u200b\u200bof justice with the oral mechanism.
99. Bankers may not be masters of the media.
100. Accountability obligations for public authorities and officials.
101. We have over 100 reasons to live with justice, equity, equality and freedom under a constitution XXI Century!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

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