Pindales OUR LADY OF TRUE STORY ..... Pinal Pinal to 1534 by the community populated area of \u200b\u200bNAYPIRACAS, Pindal current primitive group, the Naypiracas lived in disputes between them, forming sides until poisoned their own wells, which is why they had to leave the place, moving to the foothills of the Great Pircas which they named Pózul, its people, honest and hardworking had many descendants as Sarango Sandoya, Jumbo Jimbo, Tandazo, Diaz and Guaycha.
Across the valley at that time Pindal cultivated sugar cane and it was very common to see the typical grinding mills pulled by a yoke of oxen.
At that time there were only four houses, then with the passing of the years and are familiar with the wonder of the earth is attracting new people to the site from surrounding areas.
Lautaro In 1913 Loayza Luzuriaga father, Pastor of Alamor arrives to celebrate the Eucharist at Mr. Guaycha, inspired by the beauty of the Pindos that abundant and lush, swaying with the wind, the noise alegrísimo tone gave grindings to the countryside, this sage was inspired to put the official name of Pindal .
The March 27, 1927 the brothers donated free Guaycha Dr. Guillermo Root bishop of the Province of Loja and the parent representation Lautaro Loayza, to build a temple dedicated to the Virgin of the Swan and the time to training the people of Pinal.
The March 21, 1933 signed the Founding Act as Pindal formerly owned village of Canton Pózul currently part of the Celica in 1936 was parroquializada with Federico Páez name, date of anniversary was celebrated on October 9 each year.
Pindaleños In the interest of some, especially Marco Tulio González Romero and other residents, achieve cantonization to be adopted on August 10, 1989, created by Congress through a decree published in Official Register No. 253 in the chairmanship of Dr. Rodrigo Borja.