At the crossroads
The times and the extensions off, looking the other way or ads from the parliamentary seat to be done, regardless, when it should be resolved the debate in progress and a comprehensive roadmap for the various action plans for employment, energy, streamlining government, strengthening the system of production and agriculture, education and the welfare state.
The crisis threatens the social exclusion of millions of citizens. There is no time for words when it is necessary to straighten the course of the English economy with the goal of creating jobs and wealth and to reduce to a minimum the inefficient government bureaucratic apparatus when responding to the demands of citizens employment, improving public services such as health or education.
is that markets do not walk scrambled, they are, but that uncertainty takes hold of our present and future while some believe that this crisis will leave if the wind blows more favorable side of the Pyrenees and some reforms or counter-strokes. Some even think the crisis forward to early elections when there is no single proposal on the table.
The English economy has lived beyond its means at the expense of mortgaging their future earnings to stroke deficit after deficit. They did almost all developed and developing countries, and we. The same has happened with the families who cheerfully mortgaged their lives in houses they can not afford, or banks and they threw more gasoline on the fire of real estate that houses built for speculation and now unthinkable price of red dye their balance sheets and income statements.
No less worrisome is how it has grown the unit from an administration that consume enormous amounts of public resources to maintain privileges and inefficient situations, further impeding the exit of the crisis and subtracting resources to quality public services and demand that citizens pay .
We paid with the sweat and tears of 4.3 million unemployed both nonsense and yet we still want to understand the urgency to act and correct errors beyond what the market dictates and allow the English economy out of this dilemma to generate employment and to remove administrative privileges on a set to serve their own interests. And at this point, surprised and outraged that elected representatives of citizens to enjoy their pension privileges trying to circumvent the constitutional equality before the law and if it says you have to work until age 67, politicians must be first to lead by example.
is not acceptable, someday will rule the T of the Constitution, a deputy minister or president enjoys an annuity with seven years' contributions, nor is it acceptable that the compensation that senators and senior officials in the administrations autoadjudican pocket at the expense of citizens who claim to represent when they should be 20 days per year worked as a labor reform said ...
The administrative machinery should be exemplary and transparent behavior. It should further be reduced to a minimum after removing any privilege or unfairness with respect to other citizens. The State of autonomy development has led the greatest progress in the last 30 years from the closeness to the public but must prioritize its austerity and strengthen strategic alliances with other regions to create jobs. Urge
administration reform and also a 40-year energy plan to ensure electricity supply under competitive conditions for companies but we want to see mortgage jobs and pensions in future. Rule out nuclear energy without the table having a real plan to ensure price and amount of energy required is simply economic suicide to pay future generations. It is possible to harness renewable energy and especially solar and wind, but the challenge is to demonstrate a roadmap that will be able to ensure future needs.
also surprising that in the country with the highest unemployment in the OECD does not have an employment plan, not a grand bargain between unions, employers and government to halt the destruction of jobs and industries of the future or to encourage the conversion was not done in the construction sector.
many jobs have been saved if the building had bet with public support for energy efficiency in the housing or the construction of renewable power plants? Or how many layoffs have been avoided if they had encouraged the staff turnover and job sharing as Germany did with the support of public service employment?.
arrived late and in too many cases because here everyone goes about their business including the unions that give back to the unemployed, some entrepreneurs do not see beyond reductions in contributions and a government and opposition engaged in debates holes and lead nowhere.
the while still not undertaken the necessary reforms, those markets do not dictate like the INEM. A plan to promote self-employment with a deep reform of INEM-SERVEF inoperative so that from this body to support the financing, management and training for employment through corporate figures in the social economy or self-employment in emerging sectors.
The English economy also requires a great deal to maximize the export of goods and services, especially to Southeast Asia as well as renewable energy, agriculture sustainable ecotourism, and recycling of all materials. Areas that harbor the capacity to generate more than a million jobs badly needed in a country that is at the crossroads.