Sunday, February 20, 2011

Long Dong Silver Mivie

The lesson not learned

Thirty years ago we suffered another major crisis in Spain in 1981 and 23-F. Then we suffered a negative rate of GDP of 0.2%, with unemployment 15% and that interest rates touched 19%. From that Spain and deep crisis that we reinforced with effort and many sacrifices in the modernization of the productive system and our belief in our destiny to unite Europe.
were difficult years. Years of industrial restructuring painful sacrifices in the field and loss of income and jobs at a cost of money that reached 19% while the social security system to water and public sector amounted to outrageous numbers of red ink.
was not easy to get out of this black hole of no were it not for the determination of the social partners, of successive governments and citizens to fight together to establish the pillars of a thriving modern Spain. Those years we now offer have not learned the lesson that we can overcome the current crisis strengthened to establish the robustness of the welfare and progress of the economy in a globalized world for the twenty-first century Spain. Farmers suffered doubly
that given the dire economic crisis that reduced crop weather conditions and farm incomes. The agricultural sector was not immune to that deep recession with a fall in production to which was added the aftermath left by the drought and winter frosts, which caused serious damage to citrus and vegetable crop early. Wrote bad weather a new black year for agriculture with summer drought which determined the yields of vineyard, olive and sunflower which caused the fall in production and a further decline in agricultural income. In 1981 he suffered a negative rate of final agricultural production of up to 43% in cereals, legumes 29%, 35% in oil, 20% drop in the production of wine, and 8% in citrus. No doubt a picture of adversity and difficult to overcome even with sacrifice and effort. That
crisis left a deep scar on the field, whose sacrifice was not recognized then, not now, and yet few sectors suffered as their integration in Europe being currency. For 30 years the field continue to demand the necessary support to ensure its future viability as they are doing in other countries like France.
Other indicators of the English economy, 1981 offered a flat encephalogram concern given the low rate of economic activity in the first half in which electricity consumption grew only 0.8%, significantly below the average increase of 1980 3.3%, the registration of cars suffered a decline of 10% and del20% in trucks. Industrial and consumer surveys were yielding negative in the backlog, and the level of production of total industry and staffing levels were getting lower in the construction sector.
This led to unemployment rates of 14% in June, with nearly two million unemployed in a country that had not yet paid labor revolution in the full incorporation of women, while the deficit on current account was significantly above the official forecasts, with almost 600,000 million pesetas and the annual inflation rate measured was 15%. With interest rates rising interbank borrowing costs reached a daily average of 19% which would certainly hair-raising anyone today. The increase in financial costs of the English company put more obstacles to overcome a crisis that demanded sacrifices given the tightening of financial markets.
difficulties that year was the prelude to a long period of reforms introduced by the government headed by Felipe Gonzalez to cope with an economy was in dire straits. Inflation stood at an annual rate of 16 percent, public spending had gotten out of hand and foreign exchange reserves were exhausted. Gonzalez then resorted to pragmatic policies along with a number of measures of vigorous downsizing that cost two general strikes but eventually straightened out the English economy. The closure of large enterprises unprofitable state helped to correct the imbalances and launched a program of industrial restructuring with many sacrifices. The reforms allowed the social security system achieve a better balance in their accounts and introduced a policy to use energy more efficiently while straightening economy sustained growth that generates employment and the period of greatest increase in income of the English and convergence with Europe.
Efforts to modernize and expand the economy were successful and culminated in the European integration process sacrifices in the modernization and convergence of Spain in Europe. Today the challenge is to place the English economy in terms respect to the world competitiveness in a globalized economy, with new challenges in modernizing agriculture and the production system, greater energy independence and use of new energies, in the rationalization of current spending and public bodies and the use of the capabilities of our young people in employment. No doubt we will succeed if we can believe in ourselves and in our capacity for effort.
we did 30 years ago and today the demand is that we must do the same or more determined then to tackle the new challenges of the future from a greater solidarity, unity and effort of all.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Lorraine Hansberry Writing Characteristics

missed opportunity

The agricultural income is stood at 22,547.5 million euros in 2010, a year in which increased by 6.5%, half that of other European partners but improved substantially from the fall of 1.6% recorded last year, according to first estimate released by the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs. Spain is situated in the nineteenth place in terms of growth in the Europe of 27, compared to other countries like France, where the rise was 31.4 percent. The highest increases were registered in Denmark (54.8%), Estonia (48.8%), Ireland (39.2%) and Netherlands (32%)
Grants have saved one more year of the wreck to look farmers doomed to the misery with paying supermarkets and logistics centers. With an amount of 6851.9 million euros, representing 30.4% of the value of agricultural income, English farmers saved the season for another year but the concern on the horizon of the new CAP which should be ready for sentencing next year.
In fact, Spain has lost revenue since 2007 and, following the rise in 2010, only gets traced back to the same levels of 2005, which does not serve to compensate agricultural professionals by the rising cost of living all this time.
The rent increase was not enough to offset the loss of prior year income while in Europe is experiencing a sharp increase in the income of farmers. English agricultural income remains at levels similar to those recorded at the beginning of the decade and far from the values \u200b\u200bcurrently being experienced in other European Union countries.
from agricultural organizations also warns that the estimated increase in farm income in Spain may be in an accounting device and the sharp downward revision of the data of 2009 may be the reason that comparatively are leaving the red. That is why agricultural organizations calling for market regulation mechanisms that allow farmers to get fair prices and live what they produce rather than grants.
The provisional balance of this financial year to which only a few days remaining to its closure, plant production showed an increase in value by 4.6% driven by a rise in both prices and volumes collected. There have been other increases in volume of cereals (8.9%), olive oil (32.6%) and fodder (10.5%) and decreases in fruit (-5.8%) and vegetables (-4 , 3%). In price, according to the MARM, there are promotions in potato (51.8%), fruits (8.1%) and cereals (11.8%).
Another significant finding is that farmers have increased fertilizer consumption of 18.6%, followed by agricultural services (1.7%) address items of financial intermediation services fell 4.2% and maintenance and repair of machinery, down 1.4%. Energy and lubricants have had to endure a 18% increase in costs compared to a fall of 15.2% fertilizer.
As the average number of employed, the levels are very similar to those of 2009, with a slight increase of 0.2%, that in times of crisis demonstrate the ability of agriculture to generate employment if it rebalances the food chain through a system that guarantees fair prices for the sector. In fact, agriculture provides employment for 4% of the workforce and may rise as far as to raise the organic farming as well as improvement in other income provided in sustainable and renewable energy and boost exports.
For farmers the year of 2010 offers a very poor balance corroborates the critical situation being experienced by agriculture in Spain which is compounded by cuts 13% of the budget of the ministry in Europe are recorded clear signs of recovery and substantial improvement in agricultural incomes
In fact, the English agricultural income has increased by half the EU average while 18 EU countries are ahead of Spain in income growth. Among them experienced sharp increases in income Danish farmers with a 54% increase to 23% in Germany.
The price crisis particularly affects origin Mediterranean products that are being punished by large retail chains without government far from Madrid to Brussels have taken seriously the demands of farmers in defense trade directly with producers. Farmers report feeling alone and helpless while qualifying 2010 as the year of missed opportunities and disappointing in comparison with the rest of Europe where agricuƱltura takes a breather after years of crisis and uncertainty.
Regarding the future, farmers are concerned about the reform Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and direct payments, which represent on average 30% of income and are threatened with the European proposal aimed at flat rate is to put the scissors last there where less is defended to the farmer.
This measure would cut 1,000 million euros per year between 2013 and 2020 and would be catastrophic for some agricultural sectors in the Mediterranean basin. We hope that those responsible for negotiating the new PAC farmers know how to defend and assert their effort in the new year ahead. Happy 2011 and this is the year of exit from a crisis that has lasted too long.

Funny Things To Write On A Wedding Check


The English economy faces this year brutal adjustment, which require all public authorities to tighten their belts to save 18,000 million, 1.75% of gross domestic product (GDP), in addition to the 15,000 million of the emergency measures adopted in May. The aim is to reduce the government deficit of 6%, from 9.3% forecast for 2010. Containment chair all government actions. Funds intended for payments will be made up 15.6%, which rolled back to all departments under the Central Executive to 2006 levels. The actual investment will fall by 38.3%, from 9,390 to 5,793,000, and for infrastructure, 29.6%.
All extravagance, to the last euro, are subject to compliance with the fiscal consolidation plan initiated after the disaster of 2009, when it recorded a deficit of 11.1% of GDP. In 2011 will fall to 6% and 3% by 2013 set by the European Pact for Stability and Growth Pact.
The 2011 is a year of abundance in emerging and advanced weakness. In fact, by 2010 we left behind has been especially hard for the European Union (EU), which has seen several of its member states suffer sovereign debt crisis while the block is struggling to overcome the effects of the global financial crisis. The dramatic situation experienced during 2010, which has not yet completed, has put the euro at its greatest challenge since its creation in 1999. There are many who feel that the EU will take several years to recover completely, while the year ahead will undoubtedly be the cuts.
From the Bank of Spain has seen a slight recovery in spending in the fourth quarter of this year and a moderation in the pace of job losses but insufficient to launch from the rooftops.
consumption appears to resume this new year, a mild recovery path while employment continues to create uncertainty after last November data on the number of members of Social Security fell at a rate of 1.3% yoy.
The consumer confidence rose in October and November compared to the third quarter but this was below the level of the summer months as announced recovery remains slow to exit the crisis.
On the negative side of consumption, the Bank of Spain said car registrations with a fall of 25% in November while the industrial sector highlights a decrease in the order book in recent months. The level of productive capacity utilization experienced a small reduction early in the fourth quarter, up 72.4%, after four straight quarters of increases.
As construction Bank notes that the recent evolution of investment in this sector has been predominantly favorable and highlights the confidence indicator for the business sector, which in November reached its lowest level of the current recessionary cycle.
On the situation in financial markets, the report says the banking supervisory authority in the December elapsed has been some easing of tensions that affected the English financial markets in November, which allowed a recovery stock indices and a slight decline in risk premiums, however, remain at high levels.
As for the financing obtained by households and business, as contained in the report, has continued at an annual rate to nil.
regard to interest rates applied by banks in transactions with their customers, the Bank of Spain said that increased in October, in the case of loans to households for house purchase and in the financing granted to companies (5 basis points and 34 points respectively), reaching 2.71% and 3.46%.
For its part, the deficit of the State has complied with the anticipated reduction until November because sum 38,000 million euros (3.7% of GDP), 47% less than it had in the same period last year, when it rose to over 71,000 million euros (6.8% of GDP).
According to the report, the Bank of Spain considers that the effects of the reduction in public wages in June and increased containment expected in current transfers should help intensify, in the last month of the year, the cumulative decrease expenditure. The European Commission forecast that the block will record an economic growth of 1.7 percent in 2011 and warned of the risk of a fall even more, given the high uncertainties so we will certainly continue tightening their belts in this new year begins.

White Spots In Mouth After Tonsillectomy


agriculture ministers of 27 European Union countries returned to the charge in the debate on the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) which should be ready this summer to replace the current one that expires at the end of 2013.
On the table is a commitment with the producers to a more ecological agriculture as Brussels announced initiatives to reward farmers who make more environmental efforts. The aim is to ensure that the new policy walks towards the sustainable development of natural resources and also fight against climate change. However, officials remind farmers European sustainability begins by guaranteeing fair prices to producers from oligopolistic practices of large distribution chains. They add that a more green without financial support threatens the competitiveness of producers in the EU when the European back door negotiations with third countries opening products without quality checks required of local farmers.
The new PAC will consider modifying the calculation of direct payments by another system that would combine several factors including the size of the area, generating employment and purchasing power of farmers. The discussion will address the recent report approved by the European Parliament which calls, among other things, an end to financial speculation to avoid price volatility that threatens the sector. According to MEPs, speculative movements are responsible for almost 50 percent of recent price increases.
addition, it predicts an increase in the volatility of agricultural commodity prices and problems in the markets by a lack of supply of raw materials as the FAO warns that considered "alarming" the latest data on food prices , pointing to a similar scale to that experienced during the food crisis in the summer of 2008. Add that 2010 closed with 925 million hungry in the world as it grows exponentially in demand for food in emerging countries, especially China and India.
Against this background, Brussels is merely admitting that at present in agricultural markets is more uncertain than ever about price fluctuations, although this instability is due to non-agricultural sectors, linked to other commodities like oil.
As data to take account of the shocking developments in recent years lived in the price of diesel, in 2004 it stood at 0.49 euros per liter, which in the past six years the total increase amounts to 63%. Something unaffordable for the field, who has spent years losing profitability because this excessive increase in prices. UniĆ³ de Llauradors For the price of farm diesel has risen by 14% in the last month and 42% in a year with what already reaches the most expensive in history with a current average of 0.88 euros per liter the whole of the Region which will undoubtedly contribute to the impoverishment of the agricultural income.
However, the report on prospects for agricultural markets in the EU between 2010-2020 Brussels expected to improve agricultural incomes by 2020, when estimated to exceed 20 percent in the period 2005-2009 levels after overcoming the effects of economic crisis, but assumes that periods of market volatility and price volatility will become more frequent.
The pace of recovery will be very different between the incomes of farmers in the old Member States, among which include the English, and the new European Union countries, mainly Eastern European countries, with an increase of 10 percent for the first and up to 45 percent for the second, to aid the producer who will be key because it will also increase over the same period. In any case, the improvement in income will be limited by rising production costs and so we can see the oil and oil products are reducing the income of farmers Brussels no support with direct aid.
From Asaja calls once again establish a professional oil industry, and currently the only measure to lower the cost is the return of the Special Tax on Hydrocarbons and no longer applies the tax deduction oil bill, which was in effect for some years. Should be envisaged or exemption from the same as in fishing or the same as it has been agreed in the transport using the minimum allowed by the EU. Asaja
points out again that the increase in production costs, along with price volatility and overall financial crisis are driving farmers and ranchers to make your business alive critical situations with very little and in some cases, no profit margin in their holdings. Brussels hopefully take action on the matter.

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Resuscitation Blog / Revival of the Blog

Ooof now I realize it gave no update regarding this blog. Do not forget what happened to him, but hopefully it can be revived, I leave with a photo. / Damn I Just Realized How Long It's Been Since I last posted, I Do not Know What Happened for me to forget about it, But hopefully I'll be Able to revive it, I'll leave thee with a photograph.
in glorious Technicolor by * raffaella
in glorious technicolor

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mathias Malzieu Metamorphosis Sky

The biggest heist in history speculators

Speculation over English debt cost us no less than 5,000 million euros, 22% more than expected last year. Amount sufficient to have launched an emergency plan to tackle unemployment, or modernization of agriculture into a sustainable model and our farmers will participate in a new energy projects. 5,000 million could have built two such as Madrid AVE Valencia held 10 times the Copa America with investments in the port of Valencia in ten sites different.
However, those 5,000 million euros it has cost us the sharp increase in the returns offered in 2010 to put lyrics in the short term with maturities between three months and year and a half, is today in the pockets of speculators who have made with fabrications that will trigger a 22% the line to the compensation of investors who once lent money to the English economy. So, if last year claimed 23,000 million in interest to buy the country's debt this year will receive 28,000 million.
Unlike countries such as Germany in which employers, unions, government and opposition rowing in the same direction, here we still think in the short term making the game who are willing to suck the blood of our taxes. True, it seems, although a little late, we put the batteries following the recent agreements reached by the social partners and the Government, but we are in need of major agreements and consensus to address the challenge of job creation and modernization of the system productive to maintain and improve the welfare state.
Our agriculture is also in need of major agreements and more when just around the corner is preparing a new PAC that can bring surprises. Fortunately and hopefully set an example in defending other interests of the state, the House of Congress of Deputies has approved a draft law PP, agreed with the PSOE and CiU, which urges the Executive to work actively in the European Union (EU) to ensure the maintenance of the level of direct payments to farmers and rural development English .
The text of the initiative claim that the government seeks to achieve a Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is strong and well endowed economically than not reduce the current level of financial support it receives European agriculture.
In this regard, argues that the CAP must maintain two distinct pillars policies of income support and market management mechanisms on the one hand and, on the other, development-oriented policies rural.
also committed to the maintenance of direct payments as the best mechanism for income maintenance. It also states that have aid differentiation criteria objective and non discriminatory to continue assuming an income support that enables the viability of farms and ranches.
also calls for the maintenance management mechanisms of the markets to avoid price volatility and the imbalance in the food chain and value should be effective in combating the oligopoly of supply chains and speculators alos rampant in the futures markets.
Speculation on the food sector reached global dimensions and threatens famine in the poorest countries. Limited
From Brussels the European Commission (EC) has proposed a study on the rising prices of raw materials and food while the G20 said there's no rush and the topic was addressed in June but will be too late to million people in the world. European bureaucrats are well aware that there are links between financial markets and raw materials, but not lift a finger, and less when Germany and France are behind the major food chains which ruins European farmers.
though. To start vineyards and farmers are going to come home items support to the rocks below. In fact, Spain Brussels receive EUR 127.97 million for the start of 26,316 hectares of vineyards this year 2010-2011, representing nearly 46.3% of the subsidies provided for the entire European Union. Hopefully, the English government to support our farmers to continue and not give up. Future generations will thank you.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sanzo And Goku Doujinshi Online

Speculators return to the charge. Are being left behind blackmail European states through its sovereign debt markets. Time is now speculative prices achieved in food commodities and oil and suffer especially poorest countries. No wonder the origin of the riots in Egypt and the Maghreb countries is in the dire situation suffered by thousands of citizens who can not afford the prices achieved in food. Nor can farmers cope with the price of seeds, fertilizers and seeds which leads us to another food crisis.
The global food prices reached their highest level in the last quarter century that condemns millions of people into extreme poverty. Sugar and oilseeds are leading the rise, but cereals, which account for 46% of global consumption of calories, are still below the peak levels of 2008.
Those most affected for this rise are the poorest, who spend more than 70% of their income on food. The only factor so far is encouraging that in a number of countries, the domestic prices of some basic foods remain low compared to world prices that are driving speculators. The price index for food of the FAO, which measures monthly changes in the values \u200b\u200bof a basket consisting of cereals, oilseeds, dairy, meat and sugar, hit a 214.7 points in December, up from a previous record seen in June 2008 during the food crisis.
High food prices have returned to the spotlight, after that encouraged protests in Tunisia, which led to the downfall of the country's president this month, continuing demonstrations in Egypt and spread among populations most affected by this new price hike.
World leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos last week warned that rising prices of food risks stoves generate more instability, even lead to war. And the surprising thing is that there are speculators who are slow despite a financial crisis triggered the biggest stories of the past three years without a regulation to limit speculation and volatility.
FAO warns of the risk of another crisis global food riots that occur, and called for greater regulation to control speculation in commodity markets. France, which currently holds the rotating presidency of the G-20, and FAO blamed financial speculation in commodities markets as a factor contributing to high prices.
France placed the issue of volatility in food prices high on the agenda of the G-20 and called a meeting of farm ministers of the group in Paris in June, to discuss concrete measures but by then it may be too late for thousands of people die every day from hunger.
The food crisis should also serve to strengthen this strategic sector in Europe through the reformed CAP as well as price controls applied by the major retail chains while still paying farmers miseries.
Then there is a new threat of energy crisis that has triggered the price of agricultural diesel by 27% last year, from 0.71 euros per liter in January 2010 at 0.90 euros at the moment. Filling the tank of a tractor de300 liters, costing the farmer about 270 euros, 57 euros more than a few months ago.
agricultural organizations warn that most of the farms on the verge of technical bankruptcy, any increase in production costs is a hard blow to hit revenues of farmers and ranchers, is why add to the current demand return of the Special Tax on Hydrocarbons (IEH) charged on diesel (0.078 euros per liter), the elimination of taxes on retail sales certain hydrocarbons, known as the rate of oil, and applying a reduced VAT rate to go from 18% to 8%.
is time for governments to take more seriously the measures taken against speculators in the markets for food and incidentally also protect producers of the performances of these. The food crisis to again highlight the importance of our farmers and recognize actively consuming products of our land.

Mariage Gongratulation


Spain has taken the path of reforms to ensure sustainability of the welfare state and the progress to develop its economic potential through the creation of quality jobs in the framework of a new economy and a new time.
Employers, unions and government, with the support of parliamentary groups, face in the coming weeks other agreements on energy, labor market, financial system and rationalization of government spending after the agreement on pension reform.
They are laying the foundations of the XXI century Spain after suffering the collapse of a production system which suffered excessive weight of bricks and a credit system that financed too many castles in the air on families, businesses and government.
The crisis has given us the stark reality, with an important bill to face for the excesses committed, and the obligation to respond to new challenges for the future. The success of the reform path that will allow us to begin to occupy our rightful place as a developed country, justice and solidarity. The road is not easy and will require sacrifices major reforms in areas such as energy, education, financial system, continuing education, public employment services and the necessary austerity and coordination administrations and a new industrial relations framework that can open new paths in times of crisis before resorting to mass layoffs.
The agreement on pension reform reached last week allows agreements pave the way towards further reforms from the responsibility of the social, parliamentary groups, and government authorities in order to build a competitive economy and the future compared to many hove years of speculation.
An economy that agriculture should be one of its strategic pillars to ensure healthy food and sustainable rural development and in connection with the environment which will result in new income for farmers in the use and development of new energy or agents guarantee the protection of our environmental heritage. Agriculture should develop a new model of distribution of their products with new marketing strategies geared towards Southeast Asia, China, Russia and India where a growing middle class demand for quality products "made in Spain '. Agreements
urgently, for time lost, should also define the model of the XXI century Spain in its economy, its welfare state and public services and government to serve its citizens.
The English economy should use its position strategy in a increasingly globalized world and the enormous opportunities it represents as a logistic hub for Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas for our products and also to lay on the skin of a bull to the big companies leading today's economy global.
The use of renewable energy should be the engine of change in a new energy model that the hydrogen, solar and wind energy, without ruling on the debate and study the role it can play or not nuclear energy to ensure competitive pricing and supply from the safety and responsibility over their nuclear waste and not from the current ambivalence pay others countries to take charge of our inability to make decisions.
The employment contract must move towards a single model of permanent contracts in the context of relationships that allow saving jobs in times of crisis, as have countries like Germany from solidarity and dialogue between employers, workers and government. Germany has lost in this crisis is almost double in terms of GDP than Spain, yet they doubled in unemployment because here we started every man for himself who paid who suffered a temporary contract.
Another aspect of the debate refers to the government, particularly the regional and we should acknowledge their role the greatest period of progress and development of services to citizens throughout history. The model has been one of the biggest hits of the Constitution if it is necessary to reduce bureaucratic apparatus from the austerity and transparency demanded by citizens. The model should continue to grow in revenue from its ability to equate efficiency with the expense of competence around 80% from 50% now in the collection that makes the personal income tax and taxes. Greater responsibility is possible and necessary.
are facing the beginning of a new decade in which major decisions are taken that affect the foundations of this country and this requires the cooperation of all and of our farmers to conquer the future we want. Others have already done in Europe by promoting fair price controls in the countryside, improving their pensions or to support its modernization or are wrongly made. Farmers can not be excluded from the path of reforms and leave your entire future in the hands of the CAP. It is time for the minister to sit down and negotiate with farmers' organizations or large consensus to be the foundation of sustainable agriculture and future-proof.