Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Inflated Cartoid Artery

Direct Sales or Network Marketing business

Robert Kiyosaky believes it would choose the Direct Sales or Network Marketing

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Of all the businesses that are out there what kind of business would you choose?

One of the reasons why I think the business of direct selling (network marketing) as a perfect business, it is simply because the company will work with you to develop your business skills that will make you rich.

Always remember that it is not money that makes you rich. Are your skills in business and that is why is the Perfect Business. You can take the time you want ... to develop those skills to make money are skills that will serve for life.

The other good thing about this investment is where you will get a bargain for under $ 500 and get skills?

For people who want to change to the B quadrant

That is what I recommend to people
One of the beauties of a network marketing company is that you do for a price very low and that is why I tell people to consider network marketing

If you could build a business like Microsoft, will cost hundreds of millions of dollars
But network marketing companies you can start with little investment, be patient with you, take the time to make this transition and why time is so important for most people is that it takes time to change these values \u200b\u200band the most important thing once you take the time, say it takes you 1, 2, 5 years how long it takes once you acknowledge ... the value or the core values \u200b\u200bof this side (B) and this side (I) will be unstoppable. Today

I never would return to find a job why should they? prrefiero stay on this side build businesses, pay less taxes and make more money. But the key is a person who needs to change the values \u200b\u200bof my Dad Poor to the values \u200b\u200bof my rich dad and that one of the advantages in network marketing companies, give you the time you need little investment and to work with you and help to make the transition.

The # 1 asset that a person can do is ... Building a Business. It's the smartest thing you can do.

you have said the corporate ladder is the quickest route to success. Years ago I decided not to follow the steps simply because they were repeat corporate values \u200b\u200band you know ... My poor dad always told me go to school and looking for a high-wage employment in the government or a big company, but my rich dad said Why work hard on something that will never be yours?

can not sell your job ... can not pass it on to your children ... so for me never made sense.

makes more sense for me to make my own business and hire others.
The other reason is also not really have much control if you're in the corporate world, for example. You can fire at any time. Today there are also MNAs (Mergers and Acquisitions) mergers or acquisitions is when a company buys another.

So you can be the best employee ... but the company that fires you purchase sole-

scheme is not a "get rich quick", you do not do overnight it takes time.

I still remember when I made that transition in 1978. When I quit my job completely and had to rely on ... my business, which was built to survive ...

That's why I understand the fear, the beautiful, the most important thing I remember is: There are 2 kinds of people in the world. There are those who say ... "You'll never achieve" and had many friends and family who said this. "You're stupid ... do not"

The second type of people are always Dale said ... ... go ahead ... You do not worry. We'll help.
So the most important is the support of friends and family, the beauty of network marketing is that you provide personal support for as long as you need during the transition from left to right quadrant rich dad.

always thought that working as an independent was to live the American Dream, one of the challenges of working independently is that you are your own boss. You are the acting alone, as in the quadrant "S" You're single you do on your own.

In quadrant B, you pate of a team, you have to rely on the computer and have your computer. So the problem of being "S" is say if a car accident occurs, there will your income.

Or suppose you get older and you have not saved enough extra money to retire means you probably will have to work for the rest of your life ... because they do not have anyone to back you up completely do not have any equipment.

So one problem with the "S" are never satisfied with the work of anybody and they do it alone and you're completely on your own.

Personally, I prefer to be part of a team where I can count on them and they tell me.

all know that the world has changed, but sometimes the most difficult to change ourselves and be a senior and the more the older you get, some Sometimes I focus on how to do it my way and I think that is one of the things it offers a network marketing to people. So it is a Perfect Business.

lets you take the time to do the mental, emotional and physical required to move from left to right side of my rich dad.

I think it's great, is very good is a smart, patient is a way ... to support you to make changes in your life.

So please remember to change always creates a bad mood, but sometimes we all know that we have to make these changes and you know it's time to make these changes ... business then maybe you are prefect for network marketing or direct sales business.

Network Marketing is probably the perfect business for you
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Best Paint For A Gokart

The great intellectual distribution: educating consumers


Why Multilevel Marketing is poised to be the next big economic powerhouse. This discipline is not taught in universities in Argentina, although born in Harvard. The Marketing graduates of our country do not take advantage, but they do housewives, disgruntled employees who develop the business part-time professionals and other items that are in this economic powerhouse financial independence does not give the traditional system. An interview with Paul Zane Pilzer.

The world-renowned economist Paul Zane Pilzer is a multimillionaire software entrepreneur, author of three best-sellers, rabbi, and university professor.

At the age of 22 he received his MBA from Wharton in 15 months after finishing college in three years. He was appointed associate professor at the University of New York at age 24. At 22 he was the youngest officer of Citibank, and 25, the youngest vice president in the history of the company.

Pilzer earned his first million dollars before the 26 years starting several companies, and won its first 10 million before age 30, all while still an employee of Citibank.
Pilzer has been a commentator on countless radio and l

An earthquake is coming

In fact, preliminary tremors have already begun.

looks like it will be a major economic 8.0 on Richter scale or more and it seems that only one person has the ears sharp enough to hear what's coming.
In every generation, including the thousands of brilliant social commentators or merely lucid, the human race produces one or two visionaries whose visions striking break the barriers of their own specialty and create a new shortcut in all disciplines.

We had our Benjamin Franklin, Buckminster Fuller and our Paul Zane Pilzer, the man who examines the seismic shifts in our economy.
Pilzer is quick to say that he has no crystal ball: it's all in the numbers. But the author of three best-sellers as the New York Times and an economic adviser to two U.S. presidents has an amazing talent to bring quantities of facts and numbers a glimpse of the forests these trees represent. His penetrating insights have attracted the attention of network marketers for over a decade.
Now he's back with a new message: We are witnessing the explosive birth of a new industry trillionaria, and network marketers are ready to be the vanguard of that explosion.
After two centuries of economic opportunity for the pioneers of manufacturing, we have entered the era of distribution. Today, the greatest opportunity for wealth awaits those who can do what Pilzer calls "intellectual distribution"

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