Why Multilevel Marketing is poised to be the next big economic powerhouse. This discipline is not taught in universities in Argentina, although born in Harvard. The Marketing graduates of our country do not take advantage, but they do housewives, disgruntled employees who develop the business part-time professionals and other items that are in this economic powerhouse financial independence does not give the traditional system. An interview with Paul Zane Pilzer.
The world-renowned economist Paul Zane Pilzer is a multimillionaire software entrepreneur, author of three best-sellers, rabbi, and university professor.
At the age of 22 he received his MBA from Wharton in 15 months after finishing college in three years. He was appointed associate professor at the University of New York at age 24. At 22 he was the youngest officer of Citibank, and 25, the youngest vice president in the history of the company.
Pilzer earned his first million dollars before the 26 years starting several companies, and won its first 10 million before age 30, all while still an employee of Citibank.
Pilzer has been a commentator on countless radio and l CNN.
An earthquake is coming
In fact, preliminary tremors have already begun.
looks like it will be a major economic 8.0 on Richter scale or more and it seems that only one person has the ears sharp enough to hear what's coming.
In every generation, including the thousands of brilliant social commentators or merely lucid, the human race produces one or two visionaries whose visions striking break the barriers of their own specialty and create a new shortcut in all disciplines.
We had our Benjamin Franklin, Buckminster Fuller and our Paul Zane Pilzer, the man who examines the seismic shifts in our economy.
Pilzer is quick to say that he has no crystal ball: it's all in the numbers. But the author of three best-sellers as the New York Times and an economic adviser to two U.S. presidents has an amazing talent to bring quantities of facts and numbers a glimpse of the forests these trees represent. His penetrating insights have attracted the attention of network marketers for over a decade.
Now he's back with a new message: We are witnessing the explosive birth of a new industry trillionaria, and network marketers are ready to be the vanguard of that explosion.
After two centuries of economic opportunity for the pioneers of manufacturing, we have entered the era of distribution. Today, the greatest opportunity for wealth awaits those who can do what Pilzer calls "intellectual distribution" .
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