Monday, June 21, 2010

What Are The Coptic Orthodox Views On Kissing

We leave the black hole

Employers and unions have until Wednesday to consider the draft that the government has given approval for labor reform decree. The aim is to address an unemployment rate of around 20% and double the European average. Unemployment, which afflicts 4.6 million people, remains the vigilance of the English Main. The unemployment rate in the euro area recorded a slight increase in April to 10.1%, one point above the previous month, while a year ago stood at 9.7%, according to data published by Eurostat, which once again put Spain as the country's highest unemployment in the euro, reaching a rate of 19.7% in April compared to 4.9% in Austria in which the current model is inspired reform.

The reform aims to address a market that has failed. Among other changes, is expected to create a capital fund similar to the Austrian, which would be paid to the employee at the time of dismissal and the possibility of the company without employees by demonstrating loss for 6 months.

The Government is committed to approve the labor reform on 16 and then be honored next week because in principle the board of spokesmen predicted such validation on the afternoon of Tuesday 22.

The proposed reform has ingredients of so-called Austrian and German models posed in a first case of a fund for severance pay and the second to encourage businesses to reduce the hours employees work, but not the number of contracted .

The reform stipulates that working hours be reduced for economic, technical, organizational or production between 10 and 70 percent. In a labor market such as English, marked by the duality between permanent and temporary workers, the labor reform that wants to fix the government will seek to give more prominence to the Guarantee Fund Wage, which would pay up to 8 days per year worked in compensation and the creation of a new capital fund.

Since 2012, the Executive plans to create this new mechanism, the funding model does not specify in the text, which may be used in case of dismissal or otherwise, be recovered by the employee at the time of retirement.
The promotion of employment contract provides for compensation 33 days per year worked and is intended for those with difficult to get work, but the new draft as amended to include in this group, among others, workers who take more than three months of unemployment.

According to the EPA, in the first quarter to 75 percent of the 4.6 million unemployed had spent more than three months looking for work.

The document, which has already been submitted to the unions, including a model of redundancy, which allow companies to pay compensation to 20 days per year worked, provided they show short-term losses.

With an eye toward reducing the number of contracts temporary and permanent hiring increase, the new rules penalize companies that lay off temporary workers is increasing to a maximum of 12 days from 2014.

major unions have valued very negatively to the draft, they considered the dictation of the employer, and do not rule out a general strike to be held on September 29 this year.

The need for urgent action to address the crisis also comes to France to announce this week cut its deficit to one hundred billion euros for 2013 and taken to the European Union's target of 3 percent of gross domestic product that same year. France joins Spain, Germany, Britain and Portugal in the announcement of major cuts to painful measures to reduce the budget deficit caused in recent years by living beyond the means, both public and private. Germany has advanced to reduce by 15,000 the body of government officials in four years, equivalent to 2.1% of all public employees of the central government of Germany, and will look for ways to cut troops by 40,000 soldiers Army. These are times of change, adjustments and reforms to address the urgent need to create jobs in Spain and clean up the public accounts that allow a strong and sustainable recovery the English and European economy.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Antique Siliver Flat Letter Opener Chicago

An urgent reform to create Employment AGRICULTURAL SUMMIT IN MERIDA

The informal meeting of Ministers of Agriculture is hosting this week in Merida English under the rotating Presidency of the European Union's main theme will debate the future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2013. Within the EU, direct payments accounted for 25% of agricultural income and play an important role in the viability of farms, the paper of the English presidency.
affects the text that the crisis has exposed the weaknesses of the European economy and in the case of the agricultural sector, a fall of 12% of income in 2009 and rising unemployment in rural areas, to which must be added the problems of farmers to access credit.
addition, the average farm income in the EU is less than 50% of the whole economy suffers a bottleneck between the prices received and the means of production, so that answers are needed.
The Presidency has focused the debate on this board to an analysis of the relationship between agriculture and the CAP with the economic challenges of the European Union, which are addressed in the EU 2020.
The priorities of the CAP post 2013 to be addressed in the discussions at the Merida meeting, chaired by the Minister Elena Espinosa, growth will economic and employment, food security and green growth.
Discussions were structured in three main areas: EU 2020 and agriculture, priorities, challenges and tools of the CAP post 2013 and strengthened governance. It also will review the debates organized by previous presidencies in the three blocks on which the CAP, direct payments, the instruments of market management and rural development, and will incorporate new concerns in each of them should be addressed as a result of new priorities.
The Ministry has stated that the EU 2020 is smart growth priorities, sustainable and inclusive, by what the President proposes, in the working paper for discussion Mérida, addressing the problems of agriculture in parallel with the general economy and the possibilities and references of agriculture and food in the three major vectors of growth advocated by 2020 strategy. "Reaffirming a strong CAP." The CAP is the policy that most absorbs from EU coffers, half, with 58,000 million euros annually (budget 2010), and Spain is the second largest recipient, with 7.083 million euros in 2008.
The English Presidency considers to be necessary to reaffirm our strong PAC and governance to improve coordination with other policies and initiatives and national to establish the basis for a food industry based in the territory, competitive and leadership in a global economy and fully utilize the potential of smart growth, sustainable and inclusive. It is also necessary that the new PAC using the methods advocated in the EU 2020 to detect and correct the issues that hinder the orderly growth and sustainable food and agriculture.
Asaja For agricultural organizations, COAG and UPA and the Federation of Cooperatives agribusiness are needed more guarantees for the CAP in the debris field suffers. The situation in which agriculture is a clear need for an emergency plan and to ensure Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2013 and mechanisms to reach 2013.
Brussels has argued that agriculture is a strategic sector and therefore must have a sufficient budget, with fair prices for farmers and market regulation. However, since the agricultural organizations lamented that during the EU Presidency this semester has not been any progress on agriculture and, moreover, is alleged to have opened negotiations with the Mercosur countries, as it harms the interests of European agriculture.
A total of 13.6 million people work in agriculture, forestry and fisheries and $ 5 million in food industry with the EU as the first global manufacturer of food and beverages. These figures represent 8.6% of EU employment and 4% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and certainly the most important strategic sector in a sustainable and healthy Europe. Hopefully the English presidency of the time off to meet the demands of our farmers.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

How Long Is The Smallest Scorpion

Spain tightens its belt just hours after news that our country left behind the recession to grow by 0.1% in GDP in the first quarter and generated almost 24,000 jobs in April. The English Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, announced a series of measures to reduce the deficit public and thus fulfill the commitment as quickly placed in the 3% of GDP in 2013. The measures will promote the recovery to the extent we are able to reduce the financial interests that pay for the deficit and debt, and whose resources should be used to strengthen the recovery.
The Council of Ministers approved this week by executive order the austerity package but first must pass the exam in the extraordinary Ecofin meeting, convened by the English Presidency of the EU, which aims to put in place mechanisms for financial stability and preserve peace in Europe and in particular in the euro area. Europe must also make progress in regulating and supervision of the financial system and in particular on products and rating agencies, as well as speeding up work on crisis management.
The measures announced by the chief executive are part of the commitment of Member States to speed up or strengthen, where appropriate, their fiscal consolidation plans, enabling them to strengthen confidence in the economy and boost financial stability euro area so that all EU member states.
In the package of measures included reducing the salaries of public sector staff by 5% on average since June 2010 and frozen in 2011. Members of the Government while alltos charges will be reduced by 16%. 2011 was also suspended for the adjustment of pensions, excluding non-contributory minimum pensions and eliminated the transitional arrangements for partial retirement provisions of Law 40/2007. Another
cuts is to eliminate the benefit for the birth of 2,500 euros from January 1, 2011 and also stresses the need to reduce pharmacy costs by revising the price of drugs excluded from the reference price system .
addition, it eliminates the retroactive payment of dependency benefits to date of filing the application and is reduced by two a 6.045 million euros in state public investment, which we must add an additional saving of 1,200 million euros by the Autonomous Communities and local authorities.
For its part, Brussels has established a European stabilization mechanism that includes funding for more than 750,000 million for the states of the euro could fall in danger of insolvency, as has happened already to Greece.
With the new setting, Spain wants to cut the public deficit from 11.2% of GDP to 9.3% in 2010, reducing to 6% in 2011 to bring it below 3% threshold that marks the pact stability and growth in 2013.
The adjustment plan has had a wide response in Spain while in economic forums are welcomed because, as highlighted from Brussels and the IMF are in the right direction.
In this sense, the IMF maintains that if the debt does not return to levels before the economic crisis, potential growth in advanced economies could fall by 0.5% per year.
Speculation against the euro and the eurozone economic problems can be solved only by addressing the large gap between strong and weak economies in the euro zone.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Accelerated Emt Course In Central New Jersey

The 2000E and Income Plan 2009

Several months ago that began 2000E Plan which still has some life.
Well, now we sit in front of our pc to the draft about to confirm it before, and although some leaves us to return something for the holidays. Almost
we confirmed but we are assailed by a doubt ... if they got the Basic Income Emancipation has to declare the car that I bought this year with the Plan 2000E also have to put it right?
Exactly, that's the question that I come today to clarify that not consulting with AEAT could clarify the lack of information regarding these grants.
The question is very simple once you know the solution is that although we awarded 2000 €, you just have to pay taxes the government, I mean the 500 € that we granted self-government and the 500 € that gave us the State.
The other € 1000 gave us the dealer for what is considered a trade discount and of course not taxed on income.
the box to declare this income support is the 312 - Other capital gains attributable to 2009, not from the transfer of assets.
I hope this serves to clarify this issue, mostly because we still have almost a month before the filing deadline.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lighter Roots After Coloring

Natalia Lafourcade & 50 Most Beautiful / Natalia Lafourcade & People's 50 Prettiest

back a few weeks ago, I attended a lecture by a Puerto Rican photographer, Omar Cruz, where he showed the picture he had taken Natalia Lafourcade for "50 Most Beautiful "People in English, bicycle. The image still can not find it online in HD, but it could take a picture with my phone, when I get a better, upgrade, and the search of that image, I found this video of Natalia Lafourcade bike (like a Raleigh Twenty), I found only 8 months later! Enjoy! :) / A few weeks ago I Went to a local photographers conference, Omar Cruz, where, I Show us this image of Natalia Lafourcade on a bike for People magazine in English, 50 Prettiest. I still can not find a good image on the net, But I Was Able to take a picture of it on my phone, When I find a Better one, I'll upload it, and on the search for this image I Found That Had she a new video out, only I found it ... erm ... about 8 months later ... of her on a bike (that looks like a Raleigh Twenty!), Enjoy! :)