Monday, June 14, 2010

Antique Siliver Flat Letter Opener Chicago

An urgent reform to create Employment AGRICULTURAL SUMMIT IN MERIDA

The informal meeting of Ministers of Agriculture is hosting this week in Merida English under the rotating Presidency of the European Union's main theme will debate the future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2013. Within the EU, direct payments accounted for 25% of agricultural income and play an important role in the viability of farms, the paper of the English presidency.
affects the text that the crisis has exposed the weaknesses of the European economy and in the case of the agricultural sector, a fall of 12% of income in 2009 and rising unemployment in rural areas, to which must be added the problems of farmers to access credit.
addition, the average farm income in the EU is less than 50% of the whole economy suffers a bottleneck between the prices received and the means of production, so that answers are needed.
The Presidency has focused the debate on this board to an analysis of the relationship between agriculture and the CAP with the economic challenges of the European Union, which are addressed in the EU 2020.
The priorities of the CAP post 2013 to be addressed in the discussions at the Merida meeting, chaired by the Minister Elena Espinosa, growth will economic and employment, food security and green growth.
Discussions were structured in three main areas: EU 2020 and agriculture, priorities, challenges and tools of the CAP post 2013 and strengthened governance. It also will review the debates organized by previous presidencies in the three blocks on which the CAP, direct payments, the instruments of market management and rural development, and will incorporate new concerns in each of them should be addressed as a result of new priorities.
The Ministry has stated that the EU 2020 is smart growth priorities, sustainable and inclusive, by what the President proposes, in the working paper for discussion Mérida, addressing the problems of agriculture in parallel with the general economy and the possibilities and references of agriculture and food in the three major vectors of growth advocated by 2020 strategy. "Reaffirming a strong CAP." The CAP is the policy that most absorbs from EU coffers, half, with 58,000 million euros annually (budget 2010), and Spain is the second largest recipient, with 7.083 million euros in 2008.
The English Presidency considers to be necessary to reaffirm our strong PAC and governance to improve coordination with other policies and initiatives and national to establish the basis for a food industry based in the territory, competitive and leadership in a global economy and fully utilize the potential of smart growth, sustainable and inclusive. It is also necessary that the new PAC using the methods advocated in the EU 2020 to detect and correct the issues that hinder the orderly growth and sustainable food and agriculture.
Asaja For agricultural organizations, COAG and UPA and the Federation of Cooperatives agribusiness are needed more guarantees for the CAP in the debris field suffers. The situation in which agriculture is a clear need for an emergency plan and to ensure Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2013 and mechanisms to reach 2013.
Brussels has argued that agriculture is a strategic sector and therefore must have a sufficient budget, with fair prices for farmers and market regulation. However, since the agricultural organizations lamented that during the EU Presidency this semester has not been any progress on agriculture and, moreover, is alleged to have opened negotiations with the Mercosur countries, as it harms the interests of European agriculture.
A total of 13.6 million people work in agriculture, forestry and fisheries and $ 5 million in food industry with the EU as the first global manufacturer of food and beverages. These figures represent 8.6% of EU employment and 4% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and certainly the most important strategic sector in a sustainable and healthy Europe. Hopefully the English presidency of the time off to meet the demands of our farmers.


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