Friday, July 30, 2010

How To Switch Lenses On Diana

A stress test

Valencian rural boxes wisely and effectively anticipate the process of mergers and alliances to international financial crisis. Today rurales Valencia lead the national map without losing its roots strengthen Valencia. In fact, they now lead the financial map of Valencia after the partnership process of savings in the CAM and Bancaja are integrated into national groups where they lost majority control in decision-making. Valencia
rural boxes should continue in the process of unity to face a process of expanding to other regions and deepen their vocation social and local roots and which are the values \u200b\u200bthat will provide added value to the process of banking and dislocation of the cajas.Las regional rural banks did homework in a timely manner, with leadership skills and commitment to a savings Valencia have lost too much time gazing ombligo.Es why the Comunitat Valenciana has not fared well in the new map of savings despite the fact that had two boxes that were among the top five in Spain. Today
Bancaja is part of the first group of boxes after his alliance with Caja Madrid and others, while CAM is part of the third group, although in both cases is lost majority control in making rural banks decisiones.Las should be aware of the enormous development potential treasure from the drive and leadership in the Region if they tackle their modernization and expansion in the economy valenciana.La reform has precipitated savings decisions in the case of the boxes should have Valencia adopted years ago given the concentration process that began in the eighties and that put the Valencia at the top of the financial ranking.
The unfortunate politics real estate investment in recent years, lack of leadership and a unifying model has left Valencia with no control over their boxes after the announced merger. It is hoped that in the short time is in shaping the financial map of boxes in Spain arises to correct mistakes if it is still posible.La international financial crisis has put on the table a reform agenda that not only affects banks, also the labor market , pensions, productive system, energy, public expenditure and even agriculture. Reforms must address the questions of a recession that has destroyed more than two million jobs in Spain over the last two years and labor reform medio.Tras approved by decree should pass a package of measures that encourage stable employment and entrepreneurship.
Another reform is urgent and services INEM self-employment for the purpose of its conversion into agencies that promote active employment policies against their bureaucratic nature actual.El pension system must address long-term sustainability within the Pact of Toledo and begin to consider deleting the privileges enjoyed certain groups against other citizens. For the sustainability of the pension system and reducing the deficit is due to the emphasis on policies that generate employment among young people rather than work longer. It is unacceptable that a country with 40% unemployment among its younger population and being the best educated generation in history arises the need to extend to 70 years working life to qualify for a pension. Another
appointments will be with the power to ensure its future supply regardless of the current dependency on oil. That is why renewable energy should have development and support plans that allow, without discarding the debate on nuclear energy, future needs for a competitive industry, without fluctuations in prices that could jeopardize jobs. As important is the sustainability

future pensions as energy and in both cases one must address a comprehensive plan to fifty years vista.En the reform agenda should include a thorough thinning of the bureaucratic machinery of the state and regional communities that points towards the abolition of the councils and strengthening the municipal funding for its proximity to citizens.
Agriculture also has pending reforms that allow producers greater control over its production and regeneration of an aging population in order to ensure the profitability required the efforts of men and women in rural


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