and minds need entrepreneurs willing to take on the challenge of generating wealth and employment. Employers need to stop using the crisis to settle scores with wild layoffs. We need workers willing to fight for the improvement costs that make their companies more competitive base higher productivity. We need open markets in every corner and in every inch of a globalized economy, there is not yet known where the excellence of the products made in Spain.
need tons of confidence in ourselves as a country capable of the greatest feats in overcoming a difficult time that we tested in our capabilities as a people and as a nation to overcome adversity and meet the challenges of a new time.
need politicians and administrations to provide for their citizens, to listen and you can understand the noble art of politics as a service to society rather than serve their interests. We need leaders to open roads to create jobs and wealth and Opposition to generate confidence from our loyalty to the citizens and real alternatives of progress.
responsible companies need to be aware of its social role of unions in solidarity with those who lost their jobs. We need banks and savings support to businesses and families as necessary instruments for the advancement of society.
need to get an income who produce according to your effort and stop speculating who line their pockets at the expense of others' labor. We need a green economy that does justice to farmers and reward their efforts by a healthy diet contributes to improving the environment and obtain fair prices and decent pensions for women and men in the field.
need to consume products of our land, our factories and services in an economy that requires everyone's effort to create jobs and overcome the current crisis and take our rightful place in the world.
need an energy plan on the table that guarantees 70% of domestic production of energy in the coming decades with a greater commitment to renewable energy and to define the role of nuclear energy. It is not possible to think about future employment and pension unresolved dependency and excessive exposure to the capricious English economy fuel prices and oil.
need water to everyone from solidarity of the territories, to ensure the provision and economic potential of its citizens, including transfers to the necessary sustainable desalination along the coast through the savings of a scarce resource and necessary for life and progress.
need the younger generation better prepared to lead the change history of an economic model in the XXI century still need an emergency plan that facility to entrepreneurs and incentives to foster vocations to generate employment and wealth.
need the experience of our elders, a partnership of generations can work together to conquer the present and future as a model of proven success in areas such as public health and must be extended to the private sphere to deliver excellence and expertise of job well done.
need to preserve and strengthen the welfare state in solidarity with those most in need and just the effort spent during the entire working life making better use of underutilized productive capacity of the system currently in more than 45% and is undoubtedly the most potential for growth in employment and wealth generation.
need of women's leadership in the twenty-first century skills to drive change their economic model in decision-making in the Council of Managers of enterprises, cooperatives, public life and rural areas. We need to reconcile work and family life with the participation of everyone s to allow a higher birth rate that guarantees the pensions of future and the balanced development of future generations.
need austerity in public, diminish the status of those who represent the citizens and live on their taxes, transparency and efficiency in each euro coming out of the pockets of citizens.
infrastructure need to make our businesses more competitive and allow market our products or market anywhere in the world knowing enhance intermodal logistics centers and infrastructure.
need to leave behind a crisis that lasts too long and it has generated in Spain a deep wound that threatens the social exclusion of thousands of citizens and would undoubtedly be able to overcome with the effort, solidarity and loyalty of all. The challenge is worth and no doubt we will.
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