alarm to many privileges and cousins \u200b\u200b
The wildcat strike by air traffic controllers has met with the Constitution and highlighted the privileges of a professional group of just 1,500 workers, who wished to jeopardize a country were it not for government intervention by invoking the "state of alert" and the public interest. Air traffic controllers have garnered a host of privileges at the expense of the citizens you have to put an end to a wider range of professionals if you do not want to repeat the same story.
The alarm has also opened the necessary debate over the privileges of a few compared to other citizens in times of austerity and efficiency required of the public.
should remember that the economic crisis has erupted for a simple reason is that we have lived beyond our means, in government, our businesses and families here in Europe and the U.S.. Another collateral damage is that in good times "artificial" has been exploited by those who are fueled by public money to reward self overestimating their services to society to wages, pensions and benefits they situations of injustice and unsustainable for the future.
Times have changed and adjust recipes raining all over Europe demonstrate the need to end the privileges of a tax expense of everyone and not just for drivers, also especially in senior positions public administration and bureaucracy generated.
While drivers try to maintain their privileges with wildcat strikes, the senior did not even open the necessary debate on many comparative grievances that must be corrected. At the moment, ordinary citizens have suffered the freezing of higher pensions and to even cut the salaries of civil servants. Many of the investments infrastructure have been deferred to future years while items in support of motherhood for a child or in the prefaces of unemployment will disappear with the new year. To cut labor reform severance of new contracts while the agreements may be a dead letter if the accounts do not add business or simply point to a possibility of the red. There are few sacrifices are required of citizens who have survived the tsunami stands at 20 million unemployed in Europe, which certainly gives them back without merit to date a single summit of Heads of State in the third year of the financial crisis ... Even
however, few doubt that it is necessary to tighten belt, you have to be united with our loved ones most affected by the crisis, even as the country must act to defend the welfare state and the rights of both cost achieved in our health or education for our children.
However, much sacrifice of the citizens must have a clear counterpart in the abolition of all privileges that many have been simmering at the expense of public money from the drivers to the last of the ministers or have gotten.
Today a farmer with forty years of work from sun to sun charges a low average pension of 600 euros per month, or 886.40 euros on average in English pensioners compared with more than 100,000 euros year is recorded in your checking account each year a popular former regional president, and not alone. In addition, a corporate senior minister, senator, congressman, secretary of state ... may come to perceive two or even three salaries of the Public Treasury and even simultaneous pension when you retire.
order to charge 100% of the pension every citizen must contribute at least 35 years when a minister or deputy will earn enough for seven years to obtain the maximum pension, and that no matter how clever they are creating is unsustainable, unjust and unconstitutional if you ask me.
Politicians must be seen as one more worker, well-paid but with the same rights and duties as other citizens are those who pay them. That is why the approval of the pension reform scheduled for January 28 should be the first step to end the list of grievances, consider the sustainability of the system and the removal of those privileges granted on behalf mourning citizens unjustified and unsustainable benefits in the future. Whether to delay the retirement age or increase the years of contributions, the Government and the opposition must be the first to lead by example if they maintain their proposal to raise in two years, from 65 to 67 and giving up the seven years that they right to a pension. Sustainability of the system
public should be based on the criteria of equality of all citizens before the law, in the distribution of sacrifice and letting the citizens' money be wasted continue as usual. And surprise, as button shows that Spain is the sixth country in the world with the highest number of official cars, a total of 35,000, used by ministers, presidents, congressmen, mayors and councilors to every driver and bodyguard in the city of Valencia , to cite one example.
no doubt that the state of emergency declared this weekend, has prevented the collapse of our airports and the certainty that our air space can not be in the hands of a handful of professionals who can jeopardize a country to maintain privileges. But it is also necessary to open a debate quiet for so many privileges to be reviewed and those who perform public duties should be understood that a service to citizens but not to gain advantage over their constituents. It is necessary and urgent that every dollar of our taxes are spent with transparency and efficiency in meeting the needs of citizens and no doubt that this will get sufficient resources needed to support strongly the production system and our women and men in the field. Gonzalo
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
How To Clean Casio G-shcok Strap
premium markets
Speculation in the market is dictating the behavior of European governments and consuming a huge amount of financial resources will detract from somewhere and we can guess from where ...
The fact is that speculators want high returns on their investments since they are not just the usual sawtooth and volatility of stock markets. In fact, much of the money that encouraged the housing bubble is now looking for new destinations in the high yield debt offering European states affected by the rumor mill that encourages the German press, British and very surprisingly the Bundesbank.
That the English and German press goes hand in this orchestrated campaign shows dark intentions. Since the city is repeated script and it is not the first time the band strikes against the euro. The surprising thing This new financial crisis is to see how the conservative media Germans join this campaign but if intended to weaken a question at the expense of euro euro-zone economies and the way to settle the debt they buy 2% for sale to the Irish 5.8% cases ransoms. No doubt the business would be greater if other European states of the euro area the bait and leave markets battered by speculative and biased.
Germany is concerned, not so much for the loans at high interest rates to 5.8% Irish and Greek resell when the price of money is at 2%, but by an appreciation of the euro against the dollar, yen and yuan that German exports slows can derail the strong output Germanic economic crisis. Merkel
maneuvers may end up blowing up the European currency if as many believe the authentic unsustainable debt is Chancellor difficulties in paying their pensions. Merkel should change course and implement the German engineering in the financial markets to strengthen Europe, not to serve in other states for their benefit.
Also, states and especially Spain should understand that it is urgent to reduce its debt, not by market demand, but to prevent their blackmail. Similarly, European countries are required in the future to ensure sustainable energy out of oligopolies and the tanker as the variation in fuel price will result in unemployment and budgetary difficulties.
Deficit reduction should result in a slowdown of the bureaucratic machinery of government to defend the welfare state guarantees and eliminate the political privileges granted self as pensions, wages, contracts, etc.
Europe faces being more European markets, reviving the implementation of a European constitution and even without discarding a concerted devaluation of the euro, at least by 20% to cope with the devaluation of the yuan and eldólar
The problem is to keep playing Item proposed by the market is already almost 200,000 million euros, 85,000 million approved over the weekend to rescue Irish. Resources behind the system for the Irish and Greek governments to pay their debts and restructure a bench step touched the wing when we should be injecting resources into the productive system, infrastructure and employment. More than 200,000 million
however should be acting in other settings to address the economic crisis and address the real issues that affect citizens and businesses, particularly with regard to unemployment and improving competitiveness.
is urgent to reduce government spending, suppression privileges and maximum restraint to allow reduced dependence on external resources to finance the public and enhance the productive sectors such as agriculture.
Speculation in the market is dictating the behavior of European governments and consuming a huge amount of financial resources will detract from somewhere and we can guess from where ...
The fact is that speculators want high returns on their investments since they are not just the usual sawtooth and volatility of stock markets. In fact, much of the money that encouraged the housing bubble is now looking for new destinations in the high yield debt offering European states affected by the rumor mill that encourages the German press, British and very surprisingly the Bundesbank.
That the English and German press goes hand in this orchestrated campaign shows dark intentions. Since the city is repeated script and it is not the first time the band strikes against the euro. The surprising thing This new financial crisis is to see how the conservative media Germans join this campaign but if intended to weaken a question at the expense of euro euro-zone economies and the way to settle the debt they buy 2% for sale to the Irish 5.8% cases ransoms. No doubt the business would be greater if other European states of the euro area the bait and leave markets battered by speculative and biased.
Germany is concerned, not so much for the loans at high interest rates to 5.8% Irish and Greek resell when the price of money is at 2%, but by an appreciation of the euro against the dollar, yen and yuan that German exports slows can derail the strong output Germanic economic crisis. Merkel
maneuvers may end up blowing up the European currency if as many believe the authentic unsustainable debt is Chancellor difficulties in paying their pensions. Merkel should change course and implement the German engineering in the financial markets to strengthen Europe, not to serve in other states for their benefit.
Also, states and especially Spain should understand that it is urgent to reduce its debt, not by market demand, but to prevent their blackmail. Similarly, European countries are required in the future to ensure sustainable energy out of oligopolies and the tanker as the variation in fuel price will result in unemployment and budgetary difficulties.
Deficit reduction should result in a slowdown of the bureaucratic machinery of government to defend the welfare state guarantees and eliminate the political privileges granted self as pensions, wages, contracts, etc.
Europe faces being more European markets, reviving the implementation of a European constitution and even without discarding a concerted devaluation of the euro, at least by 20% to cope with the devaluation of the yuan and eldólar
The problem is to keep playing Item proposed by the market is already almost 200,000 million euros, 85,000 million approved over the weekend to rescue Irish. Resources behind the system for the Irish and Greek governments to pay their debts and restructure a bench step touched the wing when we should be injecting resources into the productive system, infrastructure and employment. More than 200,000 million
however should be acting in other settings to address the economic crisis and address the real issues that affect citizens and businesses, particularly with regard to unemployment and improving competitiveness.
is urgent to reduce government spending, suppression privileges and maximum restraint to allow reduced dependence on external resources to finance the public and enhance the productive sectors such as agriculture.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Where Do I Buy Satin Underwear For Men
Student internships in Municipality
Municipality Student internships in
Pindal .- The Municipality of Pinal is the institution that students chose Pindal National College for educational practices of third year students of Bachelor in Accounting are five students, Jenny Eras, Aracely Yaguachi Silvio Sambrano, Cristian and Jessica Eras Ovaco.Según the Head of Human Resource Pindal Cantonal Government stated that the Department recorded the arrival and departure of students to then issue the corresponding report also mentioned that the internship will last two months from the November 8, 2010 until January 8, 2011, male and female trainees are distributed in the Department of Finance and Treasury and help in ancillary activities including record keeping, prepare withholding, enter data into DIN tax, balancing daily revenue collection, bank book ... etc thus acquiring skills for his professional life.
Municipality Student internships in
Pindal .- The Municipality of Pinal is the institution that students chose Pindal National College for educational practices of third year students of Bachelor in Accounting are five students, Jenny Eras, Aracely Yaguachi Silvio Sambrano, Cristian and Jessica Eras Ovaco.Según the Head of Human Resource Pindal Cantonal Government stated that the Department recorded the arrival and departure of students to then issue the corresponding report also mentioned that the internship will last two months from the November 8, 2010 until January 8, 2011, male and female trainees are distributed in the Department of Finance and Treasury and help in ancillary activities including record keeping, prepare withholding, enter data into DIN tax, balancing daily revenue collection, bank book ... etc thus acquiring skills for his professional life.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Pathology Of Cellulitis In Diagram
A drop of solidarity. Blog Action Day's
We have a mandate to fulfill and over who have had the privilege of being born on this side of progress, freedom and democracy. We live in a world grossly unfair, where the lives of millions of people is not worth a glass of water.
Today is a day of action, thousands of voices raised in the network through the Blog Action Day to demand our leaders do not turn away those who most need the solidarity of all, especially the millions of children no have no water to survive against the other world that captures the richness of a planet of all.
We can if we want change so much injustice, as did the Chilean people from solidarity and unity to save the 33 miners. Each week, nearly 38,000 children under 5 die from lack of drinking water and unhygienic living conditions and more than 5,000 children close their eyes forever over today.
We can not continue to give back to so much injustice when it is in our hands to build a just and sustainable world for all based on solidarity and certainty that we can offer solutions and also strive to leave our descendants a better world than we let our parents. Is our obligation and our duty to share the effort of solidarity to one billion people on this planet who do not have water to live when a drop of solidarity would be enough for each of us to solve this problem belongs to everyone. Gonzalo
We have a mandate to fulfill and over who have had the privilege of being born on this side of progress, freedom and democracy. We live in a world grossly unfair, where the lives of millions of people is not worth a glass of water.
Today is a day of action, thousands of voices raised in the network through the Blog Action Day to demand our leaders do not turn away those who most need the solidarity of all, especially the millions of children no have no water to survive against the other world that captures the richness of a planet of all.
We can if we want change so much injustice, as did the Chilean people from solidarity and unity to save the 33 miners. Each week, nearly 38,000 children under 5 die from lack of drinking water and unhygienic living conditions and more than 5,000 children close their eyes forever over today.
We can not continue to give back to so much injustice when it is in our hands to build a just and sustainable world for all based on solidarity and certainty that we can offer solutions and also strive to leave our descendants a better world than we let our parents. Is our obligation and our duty to share the effort of solidarity to one billion people on this planet who do not have water to live when a drop of solidarity would be enough for each of us to solve this problem belongs to everyone. Gonzalo
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
How To Remove Logos From Sweat Shirts win elections in Valencia and the Valencia. We owe it to the public after 17 years looking at the navel and the many colleagues who gave their lives for freedom and democracy we enjoy today. Today is the day of militancy pure and simple, which means that our duty is to win elections in order to transform society and especially the Valencia whose rights and public services have suffered a major setback in the democratic history. Today is the last day for the Valencian Socialists decide to go to a primary to choose the best candidate for President of the Generalitat. The general secretary Jorge Alart PSPV-PSOE has been proposed by executive as the candidate Toni Assumption holds the key to internal democracy and elections there is debate, that Valencian militants decide who can win the PP. Today is the last day to pick up endorsements for Toni
Asunción has had the courage and generosity gesture of a great socialist who offers to win the PP, because you can win. Toni brings experience of the municipal mayor of Manises and president of the Diputación de Valencia having developed the financing model that allowed fund local infrastructure and services from the efficiency and redistribution. His term of Corrections and as interior minister offers to militants large profile candidate with chances to win the PP and that connects with citizens from experience and having all honesty. You decide. If you want the primary process takes place endorses Toni
Asunción. Today is the last day for delivery of securities in his office at 7 pta Pintor López Valencia 5, tel 963919189. With your endorsement will contribute to the democracy and freedom to hear and decide. You can make history to win the PP. We will succeed.
A hug and good luck Gonzalo Gayo
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Frederik Grötschel - Fotodesign
Trini, president of Madrid. It is not a dream but something that breathes and feels. It is a goal to achieve, joining forces with generosity, in a long journey of commitment to the citizens. There is little more than nine months to recover the ambition to progress to institutions serving the locals and not the few. And I want to be in hand of a woman social worker, and fighter, who talks, which consensual and looking by and for citizens, without folds, with humility and transparency. That was his career and this will be your flag, a collective project for all locals and they know it, and right are both too afraid. Trini is presented to a primary for the Socialists in Madrid to offer a real chance to win, to convince and open a new era in Madrid. It is certainly a great opportunity to Madrid and also for socialist activists in Madrid. Seize it, love it, embrace it and be a protagonist of a historic change. Trini is the new time it takes Madrid and its citizens, commitment to values, with proposals and work to win this century with citizens from those who farms have become institutions, now in the hands of a right mortgaged against the haves. We can and we will succeed and Trini. encouragement, hugs and good luck.
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Trini, president of Madrid. It is not a dream but something that breathes and feels. It is a goal to achieve, joining forces with generosity, in a long journey of commitment to the citizens.
There is little more than nine months to recover the ambition to progress to institutions serving the locals and not the few. And I want to be in hand of a woman social worker, and fighter, who talks, which consensual and looking for and by citizens without folds, with humility and transparency. That was his career and this will be your flag, a collective project for all locals and they know it, and right are both too afraid. Trini is presented to a primary for the Socialists in Madrid to offer a real chance to win, to convince and open a new era in Madrid. It is certainly a great opportunity to Madrid and also for socialist activists in Madrid. Seize it, love it, embrace it and be a protagonist of a historic change.
Trini is the new time it takes Madrid and its citizens, commitment to values, with proposals and work to win this century with citizens from those who have become cottages institutions, now in the hands of a right mortgaged against the haves.
Trini, president of Madrid. It is not a dream but something that breathes and feels. It is a goal to achieve, joining forces with generosity, in a long journey of commitment to the citizens. There is little more than nine months to recover the ambition to progress to institutions serving the locals and not the few. And I want to be in hand of a woman social worker, and fighter, who talks, which consensual and looking by and for citizens, without folds, with humility and transparency. That was his career and this will be your flag, a collective project for all locals and they know it, and right are both too afraid. Trini is presented to a primary for the Socialists in Madrid to offer a real chance to win, to convince and open a new era in Madrid. It is certainly a great opportunity to Madrid and also for socialist activists in Madrid. Seize it, love it, embrace it and be a protagonist of a historic change. Trini is the new time it takes Madrid and its citizens, commitment to values, with proposals and work to win this century with citizens from those who farms have become institutions, now in the hands of a right mortgaged against the haves. We can and we will succeed and Trini. encouragement, hugs and good luck.
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Trini, president of Madrid. It is not a dream but something that breathes and feels. It is a goal to achieve, joining forces with generosity, in a long journey of commitment to the citizens.
There is little more than nine months to recover the ambition to progress to institutions serving the locals and not the few. And I want to be in hand of a woman social worker, and fighter, who talks, which consensual and looking for and by citizens without folds, with humility and transparency. That was his career and this will be your flag, a collective project for all locals and they know it, and right are both too afraid. Trini is presented to a primary for the Socialists in Madrid to offer a real chance to win, to convince and open a new era in Madrid. It is certainly a great opportunity to Madrid and also for socialist activists in Madrid. Seize it, love it, embrace it and be a protagonist of a historic change.
Trini is the new time it takes Madrid and its citizens, commitment to values, with proposals and work to win this century with citizens from those who have become cottages institutions, now in the hands of a right mortgaged against the haves.
We can and we will succeed and Trini.
encouragement, hugs and good luck.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Games Like Roblox But Better
always wanted to be a farmer, but never knew how to make a living from it. Finally I dedicate this to put together letters and words but always trying to breathe and feel about the secrets of the earth. In my years in this business I have never met better people than the lives of its efforts in a perfect communion with nature. Here is no room for selfishness, not speculation, it is up to others. Here the land will return what you are willing to give. It is an unwritten agreement, respect and devotion.
Farmers have become twenty-first century Quixote in knight-errant who volunteer their efforts to give us a healthy diet and a myriad of products so that our children grow up healthy, and everything for almost nothing.
In the past 20 years the English have been the most important goals of our history. We the younger generation better prepared and one of the highest rates of university in Europe. Efforts we have achieved convergence with the EU average income and can even boast of being the eighth largest in the world by dint of GDP and why not, we are also world champions kicking a ball ... But in the ditch of oblivion have left our farmers gray hair and not even their children are ready to continue on this path of effort that leads nowhere.
The other day we published as farmers' incomes had fallen a quarter in recent years and that purchasing power was up to 17% lower than in 1990. The cold statistics also reflect the diaspora of 140,000 farmers who left the field in 20 years of 'progress' to live and bring up their families.
Many think that there is no more than resignation, which will continue to think about planting concrete pillars to prosper or even reduced to the few farmers that are left to blow or promises PAC that with the wind. But they are wrong in the same way that making mistakes are in the last twenty years.
agriculture is based on history of great nations and which will ensure their survival in the future that combines sustainability.
Agriculture is a source of employment generation, recovery of abandoned rural habitats, new medicinal and ecological source of export earnings and a crucial factor in improving the environment and the welfare state.
need to rediscover the enormous potential of agriculture to a growth of over 40% of the demand for products in the world in the next years. We urgently need to support a sector that is hamstrung by the supermarkets and their pricing. We need to develop policies from Brussels agricultural rural people, not people who try to justify how much you shine your master and title hung on a wall.
is necessary in governments and European regions to support farmers, the efforts of people who treasure the knowledge and know-how to not break the pact signed with nature for centuries, from generation to generation.
I will not go through the branches, nor by the poetry of letters and words together. Rural people requires compliance with the word. To guarantee a minimum income to monitor prices and quality products in the markets, which dignify pensions, now misery. They call with actual payments to encourage young entrepreneurs and graying. Quietly asked the deserved recognition of his work, and especially rural women, to which the welfare state continues to give them back. Farmers call
water transfers for irrigation, not for speculation, and supporting the modernization of plant and machinery. Who require security and steal to pay because they're sick of them coming into their homes, their engine stalls and instead work without doing anything.
always wanted to be a farmer, but never knew how to make a living from it. Finally I dedicate this to put together letters and words but always trying to breathe and feel about the secrets of the earth. In my years in this business I have never met better people than the lives of its efforts in a perfect communion with nature. Here is no room for selfishness, not speculation, it is up to others. Here the land will return what you are willing to give. It is an unwritten agreement, respect and devotion.
Farmers have become twenty-first century Quixote in knight-errant who volunteer their efforts to give us a healthy diet and a myriad of products so that our children grow up healthy, and everything for almost nothing.
In the past 20 years the English have been the most important goals of our history. We the younger generation better prepared and one of the highest rates of university in Europe. Efforts we have achieved convergence with the EU average income and can even boast of being the eighth largest in the world by dint of GDP and why not, we are also world champions kicking a ball ... But in the ditch of oblivion have left our farmers gray hair and not even their children are ready to continue on this path of effort that leads nowhere.
The other day we published as farmers' incomes had fallen a quarter in recent years and that purchasing power was up to 17% lower than in 1990. The cold statistics also reflect the diaspora of 140,000 farmers who left the field in 20 years of 'progress' to live and bring up their families.
Many think that there is no more than resignation, which will continue to think about planting concrete pillars to prosper or even reduced to the few farmers that are left to blow or promises PAC that with the wind. But they are wrong in the same way that making mistakes are in the last twenty years.
agriculture is based on history of great nations and which will ensure their survival in the future that combines sustainability.
Agriculture is a source of employment generation, recovery of abandoned rural habitats, new medicinal and ecological source of export earnings and a crucial factor in improving the environment and the welfare state.
need to rediscover the enormous potential of agriculture to a growth of over 40% of the demand for products in the world in the next years. We urgently need to support a sector that is hamstrung by the supermarkets and their pricing. We need to develop policies from Brussels agricultural rural people, not people who try to justify how much you shine your master and title hung on a wall.
is necessary in governments and European regions to support farmers, the efforts of people who treasure the knowledge and know-how to not break the pact signed with nature for centuries, from generation to generation.
I will not go through the branches, nor by the poetry of letters and words together. Rural people requires compliance with the word. To guarantee a minimum income to monitor prices and quality products in the markets, which dignify pensions, now misery. They call with actual payments to encourage young entrepreneurs and graying. Quietly asked the deserved recognition of his work, and especially rural women, to which the welfare state continues to give them back. Farmers call
water transfers for irrigation, not for speculation, and supporting the modernization of plant and machinery. Who require security and steal to pay because they're sick of them coming into their homes, their engine stalls and instead work without doing anything.
Farmers do not want more words with the wind, or that balls should be thrown out. Require commitments with deeds, justice and support because society needs them, and now more than ever if we aspire to a sustainable economy and fair. As said earlier
always wanted to be a farmer and perhaps some day be if the XXI century Quixote able to beat many windmills to simply let them live their efforts as men and women in the field. Gonzalo Gayo
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Has Kate Ground Silicone?
XXI century Quixote
will not say that I shed tears of emotion as last Friday a group of experts announced from the rooftops that all English banks had passed the stress test, and most of the boxes of savings, except for four groups of boxes and CajaSur Cordoba, which would require additional capital contributions that would total 2.043 million together. Contributions that are otherwise available to these inefficient institutions and fed funds by the public treasury when they want to, by the end of the year.
Perhaps the only consolation is that in Spain there has been to nationalize a major bank in Germany or broken and injected huge amounts of public money as has happened in the Netherlands or the UK or discovered black holes in the accounts of a large French bank or Wall Street.
And tell me not to tears by how well the system has mounted Financial when others charged with the red or the results of fictitious stress test while the production system and especially the four million unemployed require measures that stimulate employment reform beyond the BOE.
also be interesting to subject our farmers to another stress test because surely jump leads but I doubt that European authorities were so generous as when the banking field sneezes while signing his death. Let
. Total agricultural income in Spain fell by 5.6% in 2009, from 12,080 million euros in 2008 to just 11,404 last year. And not that there's been a bad year, we have been well nearly a decade without raising his head with a fall in agricultural income gained 26.4% since 2003, which has contributed to the purchasing power of our farmers is 17.2% lower than the income they enjoyed in 1990. It's lost decade, with revenues 20 years ago but costs 2010. A real ruin.
do not know if some other sector will suffer so much as agriculture but on the basis of the results it is clear that the CAP has failed as the necessary support does not citizens of the country.
The impoverishment of the income of our farmers entails great sacrifices but also a conversion muted than in any other sector would require huge amounts without hesitation aid as has occurred in mining, steel and banking now. In just one year has lost 36,600 full time jobs in the sector represents 3.9% of just under one million farmers living in Spain. But rains, it pours, and since 2003 we have lost more than 140,000 farmers abandoned the countryside for its lack of profitability and no one raised the alarm.
The test of solvency to the banking system has shown the soundness of the banking and the availability of almost 3.000 million for the boxes that have not passed at will. A TES solvency in the case of agriculture with a loss of 26% in farm income and 140,000 jobs in just six years shows the urgent need for effective aid and agricultural policies. And today more than ever the government should support farmers and speculation corriejir suffering from imposition of trade oligopoly.
At the origin of asphyxia to which farmers are subjected to this misery that is paid in the field who devote the effort and assume the risks of the crops from those who increased by 447%, according to the price index Origin and destination of the food (IPOD) in June. Among products with higher differential stresses the watermelon with a difference of 990% this summer and artichoke, with 844% percent. The price of farm products suffer a higher cost of 447% from the farm to the supermarket and yet nothing is done from Brussels, Madrid and Valencia. To top farmers must withstand pests, drought or heavy rains arrive without aid or credits are awarded after barely have the strength to demand justice as those affected by plum pox virus, a disease that affects some fruit summer and who since 2008 without charge as committed by the Department. But as much as to endeavor to give back to farmers seems clear that it will need to increase global food supplies and raw materials against myopia of European agricultural policy that seeks to asphyxia from one sector to free up financial resources for other sectors . Given
will not say that I shed tears of emotion as last Friday a group of experts announced from the rooftops that all English banks had passed the stress test, and most of the boxes of savings, except for four groups of boxes and CajaSur Cordoba, which would require additional capital contributions that would total 2.043 million together. Contributions that are otherwise available to these inefficient institutions and fed funds by the public treasury when they want to, by the end of the year.
Perhaps the only consolation is that in Spain there has been to nationalize a major bank in Germany or broken and injected huge amounts of public money as has happened in the Netherlands or the UK or discovered black holes in the accounts of a large French bank or Wall Street.
And tell me not to tears by how well the system has mounted Financial when others charged with the red or the results of fictitious stress test while the production system and especially the four million unemployed require measures that stimulate employment reform beyond the BOE.
also be interesting to subject our farmers to another stress test because surely jump leads but I doubt that European authorities were so generous as when the banking field sneezes while signing his death. Let
. Total agricultural income in Spain fell by 5.6% in 2009, from 12,080 million euros in 2008 to just 11,404 last year. And not that there's been a bad year, we have been well nearly a decade without raising his head with a fall in agricultural income gained 26.4% since 2003, which has contributed to the purchasing power of our farmers is 17.2% lower than the income they enjoyed in 1990. It's lost decade, with revenues 20 years ago but costs 2010. A real ruin.
do not know if some other sector will suffer so much as agriculture but on the basis of the results it is clear that the CAP has failed as the necessary support does not citizens of the country.
The impoverishment of the income of our farmers entails great sacrifices but also a conversion muted than in any other sector would require huge amounts without hesitation aid as has occurred in mining, steel and banking now. In just one year has lost 36,600 full time jobs in the sector represents 3.9% of just under one million farmers living in Spain. But rains, it pours, and since 2003 we have lost more than 140,000 farmers abandoned the countryside for its lack of profitability and no one raised the alarm.
The test of solvency to the banking system has shown the soundness of the banking and the availability of almost 3.000 million for the boxes that have not passed at will. A TES solvency in the case of agriculture with a loss of 26% in farm income and 140,000 jobs in just six years shows the urgent need for effective aid and agricultural policies. And today more than ever the government should support farmers and speculation corriejir suffering from imposition of trade oligopoly.
At the origin of asphyxia to which farmers are subjected to this misery that is paid in the field who devote the effort and assume the risks of the crops from those who increased by 447%, according to the price index Origin and destination of the food (IPOD) in June. Among products with higher differential stresses the watermelon with a difference of 990% this summer and artichoke, with 844% percent. The price of farm products suffer a higher cost of 447% from the farm to the supermarket and yet nothing is done from Brussels, Madrid and Valencia. To top farmers must withstand pests, drought or heavy rains arrive without aid or credits are awarded after barely have the strength to demand justice as those affected by plum pox virus, a disease that affects some fruit summer and who since 2008 without charge as committed by the Department. But as much as to endeavor to give back to farmers seems clear that it will need to increase global food supplies and raw materials against myopia of European agricultural policy that seeks to asphyxia from one sector to free up financial resources for other sectors . Given
forecasts that by 2050 the world population will reach 9,000 million people, food production must increase, even double if we do not want to suffer a food crisis with unpredictable consequences for world order.
new investment, technological improvements, reasonable use of water in irrigation, appropriate genetic material, and generally all that apply to the challenge of R & D in agriculture, can and should be used in a manner consistent with respect for the environment The fight against climate change and a decent income for our farmers. It is time for government to meet our farmers fairly and according to a disturbing reality that requires urgent action and a strategic plan to generate employment, progress and justice.
Friday, July 30, 2010
How To Switch Lenses On Diana
A stress test
Valencian rural boxes wisely and effectively anticipate the process of mergers and alliances to international financial crisis. Today rurales Valencia lead the national map without losing its roots strengthen Valencia. In fact, they now lead the financial map of Valencia after the partnership process of savings in the CAM and Bancaja are integrated into national groups where they lost majority control in decision-making. Valencia
rural boxes should continue in the process of unity to face a process of expanding to other regions and deepen their vocation social and local roots and which are the values \u200b\u200bthat will provide added value to the process of banking and dislocation of the cajas.Las regional rural banks did homework in a timely manner, with leadership skills and commitment to a savings Valencia have lost too much time gazing ombligo.Es why the Comunitat Valenciana has not fared well in the new map of savings despite the fact that had two boxes that were among the top five in Spain. Today
Bancaja is part of the first group of boxes after his alliance with Caja Madrid and others, while CAM is part of the third group, although in both cases is lost majority control in making rural banks decisiones.Las should be aware of the enormous development potential treasure from the drive and leadership in the Region if they tackle their modernization and expansion in the economy valenciana.La reform has precipitated savings decisions in the case of the boxes should have Valencia adopted years ago given the concentration process that began in the eighties and that put the Valencia at the top of the financial ranking.
The unfortunate politics real estate investment in recent years, lack of leadership and a unifying model has left Valencia with no control over their boxes after the announced merger. It is hoped that in the short time is in shaping the financial map of boxes in Spain arises to correct mistakes if it is still posible.La international financial crisis has put on the table a reform agenda that not only affects banks, also the labor market , pensions, productive system, energy, public expenditure and even agriculture. Reforms must address the questions of a recession that has destroyed more than two million jobs in Spain over the last two years and labor reform medio.Tras approved by decree should pass a package of measures that encourage stable employment and entrepreneurship.
Another reform is urgent and services INEM self-employment for the purpose of its conversion into agencies that promote active employment policies against their bureaucratic nature actual.El pension system must address long-term sustainability within the Pact of Toledo and begin to consider deleting the privileges enjoyed certain groups against other citizens. For the sustainability of the pension system and reducing the deficit is due to the emphasis on policies that generate employment among young people rather than work longer. It is unacceptable that a country with 40% unemployment among its younger population and being the best educated generation in history arises the need to extend to 70 years working life to qualify for a pension. Another
appointments will be with the power to ensure its future supply regardless of the current dependency on oil. That is why renewable energy should have development and support plans that allow, without discarding the debate on nuclear energy, future needs for a competitive industry, without fluctuations in prices that could jeopardize jobs. As important is the sustainability
future pensions as energy and in both cases one must address a comprehensive plan to fifty years vista.En the reform agenda should include a thorough thinning of the bureaucratic machinery of the state and regional communities that points towards the abolition of the councils and strengthening the municipal funding for its proximity to citizens.
Agriculture also has pending reforms that allow producers greater control over its production and regeneration of an aging population in order to ensure the profitability required the efforts of men and women in rural
Valencian rural boxes wisely and effectively anticipate the process of mergers and alliances to international financial crisis. Today rurales Valencia lead the national map without losing its roots strengthen Valencia. In fact, they now lead the financial map of Valencia after the partnership process of savings in the CAM and Bancaja are integrated into national groups where they lost majority control in decision-making. Valencia
rural boxes should continue in the process of unity to face a process of expanding to other regions and deepen their vocation social and local roots and which are the values \u200b\u200bthat will provide added value to the process of banking and dislocation of the cajas.Las regional rural banks did homework in a timely manner, with leadership skills and commitment to a savings Valencia have lost too much time gazing ombligo.Es why the Comunitat Valenciana has not fared well in the new map of savings despite the fact that had two boxes that were among the top five in Spain. Today
Bancaja is part of the first group of boxes after his alliance with Caja Madrid and others, while CAM is part of the third group, although in both cases is lost majority control in making rural banks decisiones.Las should be aware of the enormous development potential treasure from the drive and leadership in the Region if they tackle their modernization and expansion in the economy valenciana.La reform has precipitated savings decisions in the case of the boxes should have Valencia adopted years ago given the concentration process that began in the eighties and that put the Valencia at the top of the financial ranking.
The unfortunate politics real estate investment in recent years, lack of leadership and a unifying model has left Valencia with no control over their boxes after the announced merger. It is hoped that in the short time is in shaping the financial map of boxes in Spain arises to correct mistakes if it is still posible.La international financial crisis has put on the table a reform agenda that not only affects banks, also the labor market , pensions, productive system, energy, public expenditure and even agriculture. Reforms must address the questions of a recession that has destroyed more than two million jobs in Spain over the last two years and labor reform medio.Tras approved by decree should pass a package of measures that encourage stable employment and entrepreneurship.
Another reform is urgent and services INEM self-employment for the purpose of its conversion into agencies that promote active employment policies against their bureaucratic nature actual.El pension system must address long-term sustainability within the Pact of Toledo and begin to consider deleting the privileges enjoyed certain groups against other citizens. For the sustainability of the pension system and reducing the deficit is due to the emphasis on policies that generate employment among young people rather than work longer. It is unacceptable that a country with 40% unemployment among its younger population and being the best educated generation in history arises the need to extend to 70 years working life to qualify for a pension. Another
appointments will be with the power to ensure its future supply regardless of the current dependency on oil. That is why renewable energy should have development and support plans that allow, without discarding the debate on nuclear energy, future needs for a competitive industry, without fluctuations in prices that could jeopardize jobs. As important is the sustainability
future pensions as energy and in both cases one must address a comprehensive plan to fifty years vista.En the reform agenda should include a thorough thinning of the bureaucratic machinery of the state and regional communities that points towards the abolition of the councils and strengthening the municipal funding for its proximity to citizens.
Agriculture also has pending reforms that allow producers greater control over its production and regeneration of an aging population in order to ensure the profitability required the efforts of men and women in rural
Monday, July 19, 2010
Coconut Milk Benifits
Agriculture Reforms and World Champions
We finally lifted the World Cup. They deserve it and we deserve it. Is the reward for a generation of young people without complexes, which work together with humility and good job. And we deserve it in a country too used to suffer for all regardless of its huge development potential on the threshold of a new time.
And is that the Red has given us a lesson sovereign to get the ball kicked between the posts in this historic World Cup. As a country we should be grateful for the joys and also for showing the way forward.
Together we can achieve the goals we set out and shake off the gloom once dormant for a crisis that came suddenly to speculation in financial markets and swept away the anxieties of easy money in the brick industry. We finally lifted the World Cup. They deserve it and we deserve it. Is the reward for a generation of young people without complexes, which work together with humility and good job. And we deserve it in a country too used to suffer for all regardless of its huge development potential on the threshold of a new time.
course we can emerge from this crisis strengthened but we love him, being and facing a team without complex problems. This is the case of organic farming in which we have achieved leadership in Europe and are among the great powers of this globalized world.
A future that we must look with optimism based on efforts to conquer new markets and enforce the quality of our products in the world.
for its diversity, strategic location and excellent service of our men and women from the countryside, English agriculture has enormous potential for future growth if we can meet the challenges of our times. Challenges that need to talk about generational change, to pay an activity too exposed to the speculators on duty and courage necessary to address their own distribution channels in a great alliance for a sustainable and fair trade.
The green economy is the way forward and organic farming one of its main pillars.
In this crisis, we realized that the financial system triggered by a few waves of paying all just speculation. We have seen that the dependence on oil cartel in the hands of flows in waves of unemployment when companies are suffocated by the fluctuations in gasoline prices. In this crisis we have learned that no one can live eternally over the possibilities and it is imperative that every dollar that comes out of our tax goes into society and not on pockets of a few. And in those we are trying to add up the budgets, the private economy slim outstanding accounts with the banks and those who represent the citizens understand that they can not and should have more rights than they represent.
In this crisis we have learned that the efforts of our farmers can not be at the discretion of a few who control the channels of distribution over large areas. We have learned that the unity of men and women of the field is more necessary than ever to enforce a system that rewards effort and the quality of our products. It is the way forward, and we will succeed against those who carry the flag of a liberal anything goes wild to earn the usual.
With the example of La Red, from the drive, effort and good to get what we set and without doubt the best of agriculture in Spain is coming because we can and we want to achieve.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
How Do I Apply For Free Braces?
After several weeks of market turmoil and self-flagellation in the economic, reality breaks through figure to figure, to confirm that we emerged from the recession and we do a faster rate than expected along with the other European countries. The engine of this recovery takes hold in the U.S. if it is in China and India where you can talk of expanding economies that aspire to take global leadership in the coming years. From the OECD
are reviewing the latest analysis from a couple of months to announce that the recovery of global recession "will be sooner than expected a few months ago but activity will remain weak for the next year." Is the main conclusion of economic forecasts for Japan, Europe and the United States because it adds that "the economic news has been especially favorable in recent months."
And these are, with a recovery progresses steadily as speculators try to make a killing creating confusion in the markets.
The latest projections for this year provide for better prospects for Japan and the Eurozone and the U.S. maintained and increased pessimism about the situation in the United Kingdom would therefore not surprising that after the canards raised by the British press against Spain is the need to divert attention to the weaknesses of a pound and its growing economy outside the euro synergies.
While the club of developed countries warned that the recovery will be modest for some time due to various elements of fragility, as low levels of profitability, high unemployment continues to increase, the progression anemic rates of pay and the continuation of the correction housing market is no less true that every month the situation is improving in large numbers.
For the Bank of Spain must settle long-awaited recovery in the strength of the figures with the deficit and debt consolidation will make the system sustainable for the future by what he calls the important steps taken by the Government to ensure fiscal consolidation . In the last
Economic Bulletin, the institution governed by Miguel Angel Fernandez Ordonez also specific to the data available for the second quarter consolidated the process of restoring confidence and improving agents' expectations, which delves into the right direction. In the last newsletter
economic data from the EPA's first quarter show a clear slowdown in job losses, with an annual rate of -3.6% versus -6.1% reported in late 2009 and Then there is the ERE has been halved in just a few months.
hemorrhage in the destruction of employment is three times higher in temporary contracts compared to fixed hence the importance of labor reforms lead to greater reliance on permanent contracts and can reduce the duality of the market.
One of the problems of this crisis is the long-term unemployment (over one year unemployment) again in the first quarter increased significantly, to affect nearly 1.8 million people, almost double that a year ago, raising the incidence of long-term unemployment to 38.7%, more fifteen points above its level a year earlier.
The recovery in U.S. and euro zone will be better than expected, but U.S. growth clearly exceed that of the Eurozone countries.
Spain in 2011 recorded an economic growth of 0.9%, against -0.2% in 2010, and a slight drop in unemployment to 18.2% after a record 19.1% in 2010 with a inflation 1.4% in 2010 and 0.6% in 2011. In its report, the OECD insists that Spain must reform the labor market to accelerate the reduction of unemployment and the pension system to ensure the sustainability of public finances and stresses that the financial restructuring measures announced by the English government will take positive effects this year.
U.S. President, Barack Obama, is aware times we live in overlapping actions to clean up the economy while planting for the next harvest. It therefore urges the G-20 to promote policies that push the global economic recovery and establish safeguards to prevent a new crisis with financial reform.
month and a half after Spain began to suffer enormous speculation about its solvency as a country with the resulting financial stress, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has supported and even praised authoritative government anti-crisis measures. The same director of that organization, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, said after talks on Friday with President José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero's "enormous confidence" that emerges from measures "effective" in reducing the deficit and stated, "lay the foundation for two decades of growth. " And we left the hole, sooner than many believe, so it is necessary to redouble efforts and reforms that will make this sustainable growth and generate wealth and jobs, many jobs.
Monday, June 21, 2010
What Are The Coptic Orthodox Views On Kissing
We leave the black hole
Employers and unions have until Wednesday to consider the draft that the government has given approval for labor reform decree. The aim is to address an unemployment rate of around 20% and double the European average. Unemployment, which afflicts 4.6 million people, remains the vigilance of the English Main. The unemployment rate in the euro area recorded a slight increase in April to 10.1%, one point above the previous month, while a year ago stood at 9.7%, according to data published by Eurostat, which once again put Spain as the country's highest unemployment in the euro, reaching a rate of 19.7% in April compared to 4.9% in Austria in which the current model is inspired reform.
The reform aims to address a market that has failed. Among other changes, is expected to create a capital fund similar to the Austrian, which would be paid to the employee at the time of dismissal and the possibility of the company without employees by demonstrating loss for 6 months.
The Government is committed to approve the labor reform on 16 and then be honored next week because in principle the board of spokesmen predicted such validation on the afternoon of Tuesday 22.
The proposed reform has ingredients of so-called Austrian and German models posed in a first case of a fund for severance pay and the second to encourage businesses to reduce the hours employees work, but not the number of contracted .
The reform stipulates that working hours be reduced for economic, technical, organizational or production between 10 and 70 percent. In a labor market such as English, marked by the duality between permanent and temporary workers, the labor reform that wants to fix the government will seek to give more prominence to the Guarantee Fund Wage, which would pay up to 8 days per year worked in compensation and the creation of a new capital fund.
Since 2012, the Executive plans to create this new mechanism, the funding model does not specify in the text, which may be used in case of dismissal or otherwise, be recovered by the employee at the time of retirement.
For its part, claims that the company would pay in case of redundancy is reduced by a number of days' wages per year of service equivalent to that determined for the establishment of the Fund.
The promotion of employment contract provides for compensation 33 days per year worked and is intended for those with difficult to get work, but the new draft as amended to include in this group, among others, workers who take more than three months of unemployment.
According to the EPA, in the first quarter to 75 percent of the 4.6 million unemployed had spent more than three months looking for work.
The document, which has already been submitted to the unions, including a model of redundancy, which allow companies to pay compensation to 20 days per year worked, provided they show short-term losses.
With an eye toward reducing the number of contracts temporary and permanent hiring increase, the new rules penalize companies that lay off temporary workers is increasing to a maximum of 12 days from 2014.
major unions have valued very negatively to the draft, they considered the dictation of the employer, and do not rule out a general strike to be held on September 29 this year.
The need for urgent action to address the crisis also comes to France to announce this week cut its deficit to one hundred billion euros for 2013 and taken to the European Union's target of 3 percent of gross domestic product that same year. France joins Spain, Germany, Britain and Portugal in the announcement of major cuts to painful measures to reduce the budget deficit caused in recent years by living beyond the means, both public and private. Germany has advanced to reduce by 15,000 the body of government officials in four years, equivalent to 2.1% of all public employees of the central government of Germany, and will look for ways to cut troops by 40,000 soldiers Army. These are times of change, adjustments and reforms to address the urgent need to create jobs in Spain and clean up the public accounts that allow a strong and sustainable recovery the English and European economy.
Employers and unions have until Wednesday to consider the draft that the government has given approval for labor reform decree. The aim is to address an unemployment rate of around 20% and double the European average. Unemployment, which afflicts 4.6 million people, remains the vigilance of the English Main. The unemployment rate in the euro area recorded a slight increase in April to 10.1%, one point above the previous month, while a year ago stood at 9.7%, according to data published by Eurostat, which once again put Spain as the country's highest unemployment in the euro, reaching a rate of 19.7% in April compared to 4.9% in Austria in which the current model is inspired reform.
The reform aims to address a market that has failed. Among other changes, is expected to create a capital fund similar to the Austrian, which would be paid to the employee at the time of dismissal and the possibility of the company without employees by demonstrating loss for 6 months.
The Government is committed to approve the labor reform on 16 and then be honored next week because in principle the board of spokesmen predicted such validation on the afternoon of Tuesday 22.
The proposed reform has ingredients of so-called Austrian and German models posed in a first case of a fund for severance pay and the second to encourage businesses to reduce the hours employees work, but not the number of contracted .
The reform stipulates that working hours be reduced for economic, technical, organizational or production between 10 and 70 percent. In a labor market such as English, marked by the duality between permanent and temporary workers, the labor reform that wants to fix the government will seek to give more prominence to the Guarantee Fund Wage, which would pay up to 8 days per year worked in compensation and the creation of a new capital fund.
Since 2012, the Executive plans to create this new mechanism, the funding model does not specify in the text, which may be used in case of dismissal or otherwise, be recovered by the employee at the time of retirement.
The promotion of employment contract provides for compensation 33 days per year worked and is intended for those with difficult to get work, but the new draft as amended to include in this group, among others, workers who take more than three months of unemployment.
According to the EPA, in the first quarter to 75 percent of the 4.6 million unemployed had spent more than three months looking for work.
The document, which has already been submitted to the unions, including a model of redundancy, which allow companies to pay compensation to 20 days per year worked, provided they show short-term losses.
With an eye toward reducing the number of contracts temporary and permanent hiring increase, the new rules penalize companies that lay off temporary workers is increasing to a maximum of 12 days from 2014.
major unions have valued very negatively to the draft, they considered the dictation of the employer, and do not rule out a general strike to be held on September 29 this year.
The need for urgent action to address the crisis also comes to France to announce this week cut its deficit to one hundred billion euros for 2013 and taken to the European Union's target of 3 percent of gross domestic product that same year. France joins Spain, Germany, Britain and Portugal in the announcement of major cuts to painful measures to reduce the budget deficit caused in recent years by living beyond the means, both public and private. Germany has advanced to reduce by 15,000 the body of government officials in four years, equivalent to 2.1% of all public employees of the central government of Germany, and will look for ways to cut troops by 40,000 soldiers Army. These are times of change, adjustments and reforms to address the urgent need to create jobs in Spain and clean up the public accounts that allow a strong and sustainable recovery the English and European economy.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Antique Siliver Flat Letter Opener Chicago
An urgent reform to create Employment AGRICULTURAL SUMMIT IN MERIDA
The informal meeting of Ministers of Agriculture is hosting this week in Merida English under the rotating Presidency of the European Union's main theme will debate the future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2013. Within the EU, direct payments accounted for 25% of agricultural income and play an important role in the viability of farms, the paper of the English presidency.
affects the text that the crisis has exposed the weaknesses of the European economy and in the case of the agricultural sector, a fall of 12% of income in 2009 and rising unemployment in rural areas, to which must be added the problems of farmers to access credit.
addition, the average farm income in the EU is less than 50% of the whole economy suffers a bottleneck between the prices received and the means of production, so that answers are needed.
The Presidency has focused the debate on this board to an analysis of the relationship between agriculture and the CAP with the economic challenges of the European Union, which are addressed in the EU 2020.
The priorities of the CAP post 2013 to be addressed in the discussions at the Merida meeting, chaired by the Minister Elena Espinosa, growth will economic and employment, food security and green growth.
Discussions were structured in three main areas: EU 2020 and agriculture, priorities, challenges and tools of the CAP post 2013 and strengthened governance. It also will review the debates organized by previous presidencies in the three blocks on which the CAP, direct payments, the instruments of market management and rural development, and will incorporate new concerns in each of them should be addressed as a result of new priorities.
The Ministry has stated that the EU 2020 is smart growth priorities, sustainable and inclusive, by what the President proposes, in the working paper for discussion Mérida, addressing the problems of agriculture in parallel with the general economy and the possibilities and references of agriculture and food in the three major vectors of growth advocated by 2020 strategy. "Reaffirming a strong CAP." The CAP is the policy that most absorbs from EU coffers, half, with 58,000 million euros annually (budget 2010), and Spain is the second largest recipient, with 7.083 million euros in 2008.
The English Presidency considers to be necessary to reaffirm our strong PAC and governance to improve coordination with other policies and initiatives and national to establish the basis for a food industry based in the territory, competitive and leadership in a global economy and fully utilize the potential of smart growth, sustainable and inclusive. It is also necessary that the new PAC using the methods advocated in the EU 2020 to detect and correct the issues that hinder the orderly growth and sustainable food and agriculture.
Asaja For agricultural organizations, COAG and UPA and the Federation of Cooperatives agribusiness are needed more guarantees for the CAP in the debris field suffers. The situation in which agriculture is a clear need for an emergency plan and to ensure Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2013 and mechanisms to reach 2013.
Brussels has argued that agriculture is a strategic sector and therefore must have a sufficient budget, with fair prices for farmers and market regulation. However, since the agricultural organizations lamented that during the EU Presidency this semester has not been any progress on agriculture and, moreover, is alleged to have opened negotiations with the Mercosur countries, as it harms the interests of European agriculture.
A total of 13.6 million people work in agriculture, forestry and fisheries and $ 5 million in food industry with the EU as the first global manufacturer of food and beverages. These figures represent 8.6% of EU employment and 4% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and certainly the most important strategic sector in a sustainable and healthy Europe. Hopefully the English presidency of the time off to meet the demands of our farmers.
The informal meeting of Ministers of Agriculture is hosting this week in Merida English under the rotating Presidency of the European Union's main theme will debate the future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2013. Within the EU, direct payments accounted for 25% of agricultural income and play an important role in the viability of farms, the paper of the English presidency.
affects the text that the crisis has exposed the weaknesses of the European economy and in the case of the agricultural sector, a fall of 12% of income in 2009 and rising unemployment in rural areas, to which must be added the problems of farmers to access credit.
addition, the average farm income in the EU is less than 50% of the whole economy suffers a bottleneck between the prices received and the means of production, so that answers are needed.
The Presidency has focused the debate on this board to an analysis of the relationship between agriculture and the CAP with the economic challenges of the European Union, which are addressed in the EU 2020.
The priorities of the CAP post 2013 to be addressed in the discussions at the Merida meeting, chaired by the Minister Elena Espinosa, growth will economic and employment, food security and green growth.
Discussions were structured in three main areas: EU 2020 and agriculture, priorities, challenges and tools of the CAP post 2013 and strengthened governance. It also will review the debates organized by previous presidencies in the three blocks on which the CAP, direct payments, the instruments of market management and rural development, and will incorporate new concerns in each of them should be addressed as a result of new priorities.
The Ministry has stated that the EU 2020 is smart growth priorities, sustainable and inclusive, by what the President proposes, in the working paper for discussion Mérida, addressing the problems of agriculture in parallel with the general economy and the possibilities and references of agriculture and food in the three major vectors of growth advocated by 2020 strategy. "Reaffirming a strong CAP." The CAP is the policy that most absorbs from EU coffers, half, with 58,000 million euros annually (budget 2010), and Spain is the second largest recipient, with 7.083 million euros in 2008.
The English Presidency considers to be necessary to reaffirm our strong PAC and governance to improve coordination with other policies and initiatives and national to establish the basis for a food industry based in the territory, competitive and leadership in a global economy and fully utilize the potential of smart growth, sustainable and inclusive. It is also necessary that the new PAC using the methods advocated in the EU 2020 to detect and correct the issues that hinder the orderly growth and sustainable food and agriculture.
Asaja For agricultural organizations, COAG and UPA and the Federation of Cooperatives agribusiness are needed more guarantees for the CAP in the debris field suffers. The situation in which agriculture is a clear need for an emergency plan and to ensure Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2013 and mechanisms to reach 2013.
Brussels has argued that agriculture is a strategic sector and therefore must have a sufficient budget, with fair prices for farmers and market regulation. However, since the agricultural organizations lamented that during the EU Presidency this semester has not been any progress on agriculture and, moreover, is alleged to have opened negotiations with the Mercosur countries, as it harms the interests of European agriculture.
A total of 13.6 million people work in agriculture, forestry and fisheries and $ 5 million in food industry with the EU as the first global manufacturer of food and beverages. These figures represent 8.6% of EU employment and 4% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and certainly the most important strategic sector in a sustainable and healthy Europe. Hopefully the English presidency of the time off to meet the demands of our farmers.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
How Long Is The Smallest Scorpion
Spain tightens its belt just hours after news that our country left behind the recession to grow by 0.1% in GDP in the first quarter and generated almost 24,000 jobs in April. The English Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, announced a series of measures to reduce the deficit public and thus fulfill the commitment as quickly placed in the 3% of GDP in 2013. The measures will promote the recovery to the extent we are able to reduce the financial interests that pay for the deficit and debt, and whose resources should be used to strengthen the recovery.
The Council of Ministers approved this week by executive order the austerity package but first must pass the exam in the extraordinary Ecofin meeting, convened by the English Presidency of the EU, which aims to put in place mechanisms for financial stability and preserve peace in Europe and in particular in the euro area. Europe must also make progress in regulating and supervision of the financial system and in particular on products and rating agencies, as well as speeding up work on crisis management.
The measures announced by the chief executive are part of the commitment of Member States to speed up or strengthen, where appropriate, their fiscal consolidation plans, enabling them to strengthen confidence in the economy and boost financial stability euro area so that all EU member states.
In the package of measures included reducing the salaries of public sector staff by 5% on average since June 2010 and frozen in 2011. Members of the Government while alltos charges will be reduced by 16%. 2011 was also suspended for the adjustment of pensions, excluding non-contributory minimum pensions and eliminated the transitional arrangements for partial retirement provisions of Law 40/2007. Another
cuts is to eliminate the benefit for the birth of 2,500 euros from January 1, 2011 and also stresses the need to reduce pharmacy costs by revising the price of drugs excluded from the reference price system .
addition, it eliminates the retroactive payment of dependency benefits to date of filing the application and is reduced by two a 6.045 million euros in state public investment, which we must add an additional saving of 1,200 million euros by the Autonomous Communities and local authorities.
For its part, Brussels has established a European stabilization mechanism that includes funding for more than 750,000 million for the states of the euro could fall in danger of insolvency, as has happened already to Greece.
With the new setting, Spain wants to cut the public deficit from 11.2% of GDP to 9.3% in 2010, reducing to 6% in 2011 to bring it below 3% threshold that marks the pact stability and growth in 2013.
The adjustment plan has had a wide response in Spain while in economic forums are welcomed because, as highlighted from Brussels and the IMF are in the right direction.
In this sense, the IMF maintains that if the debt does not return to levels before the economic crisis, potential growth in advanced economies could fall by 0.5% per year.
Speculation against the euro and the eurozone economic problems can be solved only by addressing the large gap between strong and weak economies in the euro zone.
For the Bank of Spain, the government's adjustment plan is a necessary decision, successful and positive for economic recovery and the stability and integrity of the monetary union, while ensuring that the undoubted costs to society will undoubtedly be offset by greater protection against the vulnerabilities created by the crisis and by a stronger position to face recovery.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Accelerated Emt Course In Central New Jersey
The 2000E and Income Plan 2009
Several months ago that began 2000E Plan which still has some life.
Well, now we sit in front of our pc to the draft about to confirm it before, and although some leaves us to return something for the holidays. Almost
we confirmed but we are assailed by a doubt ... if they got the Basic Income Emancipation has to declare the car that I bought this year with the Plan 2000E also have to put it right?
Exactly, that's the question that I come today to clarify that not consulting with AEAT could clarify the lack of information regarding these grants.
The question is very simple once you know the solution is that although we awarded 2000 €, you just have to pay taxes the government, I mean the 500 € that we granted self-government and the 500 € that gave us the State.
The other € 1000 gave us the dealer for what is considered a trade discount and of course not taxed on income.
the box to declare this income support is the 312 - Other capital gains attributable to 2009, not from the transfer of assets.
I hope this serves to clarify this issue, mostly because we still have almost a month before the filing deadline.
Several months ago that began 2000E Plan which still has some life.
Well, now we sit in front of our pc to the draft about to confirm it before, and although some leaves us to return something for the holidays. Almost
we confirmed but we are assailed by a doubt ... if they got the Basic Income Emancipation has to declare the car that I bought this year with the Plan 2000E also have to put it right?
Exactly, that's the question that I come today to clarify that not consulting with AEAT could clarify the lack of information regarding these grants.
The question is very simple once you know the solution is that although we awarded 2000 €, you just have to pay taxes the government, I mean the 500 € that we granted self-government and the 500 € that gave us the State.
The other € 1000 gave us the dealer for what is considered a trade discount and of course not taxed on income.
the box to declare this income support is the 312 - Other capital gains attributable to 2009, not from the transfer of assets.
I hope this serves to clarify this issue, mostly because we still have almost a month before the filing deadline.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Lighter Roots After Coloring
Natalia Lafourcade & 50 Most Beautiful / Natalia Lafourcade & People's 50 Prettiest
back a few weeks ago, I attended a lecture by a Puerto Rican photographer, Omar Cruz, where he showed the picture he had taken Natalia Lafourcade for "50 Most Beautiful "People in English, bicycle. The image still can not find it online in HD, but it could take a picture with my phone, when I get a better, upgrade, and the search of that image, I found this video of Natalia Lafourcade bike (like a Raleigh Twenty), I found only 8 months later! Enjoy! :) / A few weeks ago I Went to a local photographers conference, Omar Cruz, where, I Show us this image of Natalia Lafourcade on a bike for People magazine in English, 50 Prettiest. I still can not find a good image on the net, But I Was Able to take a picture of it on my phone, When I find a Better one, I'll upload it, and on the search for this image I Found That Had she a new video out, only I found it ... erm ... about 8 months later ... of her on a bike (that looks like a Raleigh Twenty!), Enjoy! :)
back a few weeks ago, I attended a lecture by a Puerto Rican photographer, Omar Cruz, where he showed the picture he had taken Natalia Lafourcade for "50 Most Beautiful "People in English, bicycle. The image still can not find it online in HD, but it could take a picture with my phone, when I get a better, upgrade, and the search of that image, I found this video of Natalia Lafourcade bike (like a Raleigh Twenty), I found only 8 months later! Enjoy! :) / A few weeks ago I Went to a local photographers conference, Omar Cruz, where, I Show us this image of Natalia Lafourcade on a bike for People magazine in English, 50 Prettiest. I still can not find a good image on the net, But I Was Able to take a picture of it on my phone, When I find a Better one, I'll upload it, and on the search for this image I Found That Had she a new video out, only I found it ... erm ... about 8 months later ... of her on a bike (that looks like a Raleigh Twenty!), Enjoy! :)

Monday, May 24, 2010
Baby Reacting To John Sons
Ad Retro PRYT / Retro Commercial for PRYT
Not very well how I found this announcement, I think I was looking for one of Amstel Light Beer, which comes next, but I was curious and funny and decided to add also that the product announcement is Puerto Rico. / remove 'm not sure how I stumbled upon this ad, I think I Was looking for an Amstel Light Beer ad INVOLVING bikes, I'll add That One Later, But I found this to be interesting, funny, plus it props for Being from Puerto Rican products.
Not very well how I found this announcement, I think I was looking for one of Amstel Light Beer, which comes next, but I was curious and funny and decided to add also that the product announcement is Puerto Rico. / remove 'm not sure how I stumbled upon this ad, I think I Was looking for an Amstel Light Beer ad INVOLVING bikes, I'll add That One Later, But I found this to be interesting, funny, plus it props for Being from Puerto Rican products.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Pork Sausages 24 Crossword
Drew Barrymore / Ellen Von Unwerth
found this picture doing a research project by photographer Ellen Von Unwerth and certainly I post it. Several months ago and had posted it that contained other bikes. Like other fashion blog posted bicycles and other bicycles more than EVU and fashion! I leave those for later, but for now I leave you with Drew Barrymore on a bicycle. / I found this image while doing an Investigative homework about the photography of Ellen von Unwerth, and Without Thinking Twice I Decided to post it. A few months ago I uploaded Another September of EVU photos with bicycles, and A Few weeks ago, Another cycle chic blog uploaded photos with EVU Other bikes as well! I'll upload Those Later, But for now I'll leave you with Drew Barrymore on bike!
found this picture doing a research project by photographer Ellen Von Unwerth and certainly I post it. Several months ago and had posted it that contained other bikes. Like other fashion blog posted bicycles and other bicycles more than EVU and fashion! I leave those for later, but for now I leave you with Drew Barrymore on a bicycle. / I found this image while doing an Investigative homework about the photography of Ellen von Unwerth, and Without Thinking Twice I Decided to post it. A few months ago I uploaded Another September of EVU photos with bicycles, and A Few weeks ago, Another cycle chic blog uploaded photos with EVU Other bikes as well! I'll upload Those Later, But for now I'll leave you with Drew Barrymore on bike!

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Denise Milani Before Famous
Bicycle Hire Argentina / Bicycle Rental in Argentina
A college friend gave me these pictures from when he studied a semester in Argentina. I dare say that the orange bikes are the same as the yellow of The Bicycle Rent here are good looking and have the same baskets, these are also a holiday in Argentina, I have his name but as soon as you have, the add to the post. I think it does a good job of male fashion bicycle. / A friend of mine sat me These pictures of When He Was Studying in Argentina. I'm pretty sure the orange bikes over there Are the Same one Rent from the Bicycle here in Puerto Rico, Also They belong to a bicycle rental, They Have the Same frame and basket. I Do not Have Their name, But as soon as I find it, I'll add it to this post. I think it's a great example of male cycle chic.
A college friend gave me these pictures from when he studied a semester in Argentina. I dare say that the orange bikes are the same as the yellow of The Bicycle Rent here are good looking and have the same baskets, these are also a holiday in Argentina, I have his name but as soon as you have, the add to the post. I think it does a good job of male fashion bicycle. / A friend of mine sat me These pictures of When He Was Studying in Argentina. I'm pretty sure the orange bikes over there Are the Same one Rent from the Bicycle here in Puerto Rico, Also They belong to a bicycle rental, They Have the Same frame and basket. I Do not Have Their name, But as soon as I find it, I'll add it to this post. I think it's a great example of male cycle chic.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Gpsphone Cydia Pokemon Chaos Black Rom Source
More Advertising / Publicity
found these pictures looking filler for a magazine I'm doing for a class, on bicycles and fashion, Lacoste, as far as I have understood is this year and that of diesel I have knowledge. / I recently found These images looking for fill material for a magazine I'm doing in one of my classes about cycling & fashion and What Not, I UNDERSTAND the Lacoste ad is from this very year and I have no clue about when to flesh out the diesel one.
found these pictures looking filler for a magazine I'm doing for a class, on bicycles and fashion, Lacoste, as far as I have understood is this year and that of diesel I have knowledge. / I recently found These images looking for fill material for a magazine I'm doing in one of my classes about cycling & fashion and What Not, I UNDERSTAND the Lacoste ad is from this very year and I have no clue about when to flesh out the diesel one.

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Primm Valley Outlets Abercrombie
More Bike-Wedding! / Cycle Wedding! JCPenny-Olsenboye
find these images rummaging and searching through a sea of \u200b\u200bimages that google returned me to go "cycle chic". The ceremony was in California and the groom is Director of Art for OdysseyBMX therefore bikes at the ceremony. / These images I found ina plethora of Other images google Gave me when I Entered "cycle chic" in the search box. The WAS ceremony held in California and the groom is Art Director of OdysseyBMX, Henco the bikes DURING the ceremony.
find these images rummaging and searching through a sea of \u200b\u200bimages that google returned me to go "cycle chic". The ceremony was in California and the groom is Director of Art for OdysseyBMX therefore bikes at the ceremony. / These images I found ina plethora of Other images google Gave me when I Entered "cycle chic" in the search box. The WAS ceremony held in California and the groom is Art Director of OdysseyBMX, Henco the bikes DURING the ceremony.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Syphilis Affect Hiv Test
Android for Professionals 7.0
I like many others, I have my phone with a contract of autonomous, I always look for the terminal that suits my business needs, such as email, weather, twitter, facebook, flickr, customer contacts, etc ...
In summary, it can help in the busy day to day can have a tax adviser.
As an example I have put that customers contact me via twitter, others via email and other mobile satellite
Well, I had never come to have a mobile operating system that would pool everything as I wanted, until it was Android.
This operating system is free software that aside, it has seamless integration with all the requirements, and assure you that I'm day to day progress of this system on the other hand I also understand that is very new and still has many shortcomings, but is growing thanks to the community of developers every day.
To be informed of all developments, applications and more interesting all the android universe in general, my reference is The Free Anroide a comprehensive web and they are and the best and should be.
I like many others, I have my phone with a contract of autonomous, I always look for the terminal that suits my business needs, such as email, weather, twitter, facebook, flickr, customer contacts, etc ...
In summary, it can help in the busy day to day can have a tax adviser.
As an example I have put that customers contact me via twitter, others via email and other mobile satellite
Well, I had never come to have a mobile operating system that would pool everything as I wanted, until it was Android.
This operating system is free software that aside, it has seamless integration with all the requirements, and assure you that I'm day to day progress of this system on the other hand I also understand that is very new and still has many shortcomings, but is growing thanks to the community of developers every day.
To be informed of all developments, applications and more interesting all the android universe in general, my reference is The Free Anroide a comprehensive web and they are and the best and should be.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Acid Reflux Listerine Pocket
-New York
I saw this ad for JCPenny's blog Shelly "Riding Pretty" , just sharing, enjoy it;). / I saw this ad on Shelly's "Riding Pretty " Blog, I'm just sharing, enjoy:).
I saw this ad for JCPenny's blog Shelly "Riding Pretty" , just sharing, enjoy it;). / I saw this ad on Shelly's "Riding Pretty " Blog, I'm just sharing, enjoy:).
Side Effects Of Vendexine
Tour the stream / Riding to the Creek
Yesterday, the 9th held Guayanilla Bicycles Corrida, which arrived late penalty! When I came among political caravans and plugs, I could see two people one bike out there. How my boyfriend and I could not go to the run today we took a ride on the donkeys to a stream "close", faux-polaroid photo below. / in Guayanilla Yesterday Was the 9th Bicycle Ride, it's too bad I got beat There! When I got there, entre Political Campaigns and traffic jams, I saw a FEW people on Their bikes. Since my boyfriend and I Were not Able to go the the ride We Took a casual stroll on Our cruisers to a "nearby" crook, faux-polaroid picture below.
Yesterday, the 9th held Guayanilla Bicycles Corrida, which arrived late penalty! When I came among political caravans and plugs, I could see two people one bike out there. How my boyfriend and I could not go to the run today we took a ride on the donkeys to a stream "close", faux-polaroid photo below. / in Guayanilla Yesterday Was the 9th Bicycle Ride, it's too bad I got beat There! When I got there, entre Political Campaigns and traffic jams, I saw a FEW people on Their bikes. Since my boyfriend and I Were not Able to go the the ride We Took a casual stroll on Our cruisers to a "nearby" crook, faux-polaroid picture below.

Condor Air Rifles For Sale
The Bike Fashion / Fashion IV
Ok, I have not completely forgotten about this blog, just that I have been a little busy with college (my last semester: D!), and if it improves somewhat, one of my work is to create a magazine, and guess that this is the magazine ... Bike-Fashion. Of Anyway send me this picture the W-Lo (major contributor to the blog) is a English actress, Charlotte Olcina. / I know it looks like I've forgotten about this blog, But Not true, I've been caught up with my last semester at my university. Makes it Better If anything, one of my projects Consists of making a magazine, "of what?" you ask? Cycle Chic ... well, silly. Anyways my friend, W-Lo (a great contributor to this blog) sat me this picture today, she's a English actress, Charlotte Olcina.
Ok, I have not completely forgotten about this blog, just that I have been a little busy with college (my last semester: D!), and if it improves somewhat, one of my work is to create a magazine, and guess that this is the magazine ... Bike-Fashion. Of Anyway send me this picture the W-Lo (major contributor to the blog) is a English actress, Charlotte Olcina. / I know it looks like I've forgotten about this blog, But Not true, I've been caught up with my last semester at my university. Makes it Better If anything, one of my projects Consists of making a magazine, "of what?" you ask? Cycle Chic ... well, silly. Anyways my friend, W-Lo (a great contributor to this blog) sat me this picture today, she's a English actress, Charlotte Olcina.

Monday, January 25, 2010
Quickbooks 2011 Canada License Number
Cycling Cycling for Haiti / Pedaling for Ellen Von Unwerth Haiti
Monday, January 18, 2010
Restaurants Cuts Ties Dallas
I set out to search through the sea \u200b\u200bof \u200b\u200bphotographs of one of the best photographers, former model, fashion, Ellen Von Unwerth, in search of images that had bikes, so far this is what I found but I am more than sure there are more. / I Decided to sit down and look through all the photographs of one of the best fashion photographers / ex model, Ellen Von Unwerth, with the hope of Finding photographs with bicycles, and I found a Few, but I'm sure theres more. Enjoy:).

Sunday, January 17, 2010
I Shaved My Pubes And It Really Hurts
François Truffaut - Les Mistons
was debating whether I should have uploaded this film or not, because the bike is not "character" principal, but does play an important role in my view and shown on several occasions. In the coming weeks I will be uploading other films also include the use of bicycles as a method of transportation. / I Was undecided Weth to upload this short film Because the bicycle isn't really a "character" but I do believe it plays an important part and shows up quite a bit DURING the film. DURING the next weeks I plan to Be uploading more short films That Incorporate the use of the bicycle as a method of transportation.
was debating whether I should have uploaded this film or not, because the bike is not "character" principal, but does play an important role in my view and shown on several occasions. In the coming weeks I will be uploading other films also include the use of bicycles as a method of transportation. / I Was undecided Weth to upload this short film Because the bicycle isn't really a "character" but I do believe it plays an important part and shows up quite a bit DURING the film. DURING the next weeks I plan to Be uploading more short films That Incorporate the use of the bicycle as a method of transportation.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Bill Of Sale Jet Skis
Bike -Protest II (Plaza Las Americas) / Bicycle Protest II (Plaza Las Americas)
After the first bike protest was a success, its ogranizadores decided to take part in a second protest in the Plaza Las Americas mall, the weekend before Christmas. Unfortunately I could not asist, I had to work that day, but attached the video of the protest for dsifrute. / Being That the first bicycle protest Was a success, it's makers Decided to Organize another one in the consumer infested mall Plaza Las Americas the weekend before Christmas day. Sadly I Was Able to Participate, I Had to work all day long (retail). Anyways I've found the video from Will Be That Day and posting it for your Enjoyment.
After the first bike protest was a success, its ogranizadores decided to take part in a second protest in the Plaza Las Americas mall, the weekend before Christmas. Unfortunately I could not asist, I had to work that day, but attached the video of the protest for dsifrute. / Being That the first bicycle protest Was a success, it's makers Decided to Organize another one in the consumer infested mall Plaza Las Americas the weekend before Christmas day. Sadly I Was Able to Participate, I Had to work all day long (retail). Anyways I've found the video from Will Be That Day and posting it for your Enjoyment.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
How To Licence Home Built Trailer
to parties in Bike / Bike To the Festival on Bicycles
As we all already know about the weekend of the festival of La Calle San Sebastian. I received this email from the owner of the Bicycle Rent:
"Forget the plug, do not walk, WHEEL! From 14 to 17 January the stock unit to RENT THE BICYCLE be renting bicycles in front of the # 1362 Magdalena Ave (Plaza Cond. Stella). Reserve yours now (787) 661-2728. Make your group and spread the word. The store in Old San Juan also be open # 100 Dock (Cond. Capitol Plaza) "/
As You May or May Not Know, the Festival of San Sebastian Street Are Coming up this weekend. The streets of Old San Juan will Be full of people and cars ... So if you're in the area and interested in. going on bike, You Can reserve your bike for you or your group of friends with "Rent the Bicycle" at (787) 661-2728.
As we all already know about the weekend of the festival of La Calle San Sebastian. I received this email from the owner of the Bicycle Rent:
"Forget the plug, do not walk, WHEEL! From 14 to 17 January the stock unit to RENT THE BICYCLE be renting bicycles in front of the # 1362 Magdalena Ave (Plaza Cond. Stella). Reserve yours now (787) 661-2728. Make your group and spread the word. The store in Old San Juan also be open # 100 Dock (Cond. Capitol Plaza) "/
As You May or May Not Know, the Festival of San Sebastian Street Are Coming up this weekend. The streets of Old San Juan will Be full of people and cars ... So if you're in the area and interested in. going on bike, You Can reserve your bike for you or your group of friends with "Rent the Bicycle" at (787) 661-2728.
Cydia Gba Rom Source 2011
Advertising / Bicycles in
I returned! At the request of W-Lo, do not do a long entry, I got distracted with other things but it came back. In recent weeks I have been noticing a rise in bicycle use in advertisements. This space is to give birth to a few. There are a few that now is not got right through the internet, one of Heineken beer that is on a billboard in San Patricio and at stops de guagua y otro del cereal Raisin Bran. Abajo les dejo con varios anuncios publicados en revistas o pasadas por televisión./ I'm back, I was distraught with other stupid things, but now I'm back to normal. Anyways, these past few weeks I've noticed many commercials, be it in TV or in magazines, that are using bicycles as props, I've decided to post them up here. There's a couple I can't find in the internet, such as one that's here in PR by Heineken and a new one from Raisin Bran which I just saw yesterday. I'll leave you with the others below.
I returned! At the request of W-Lo, do not do a long entry, I got distracted with other things but it came back. In recent weeks I have been noticing a rise in bicycle use in advertisements. This space is to give birth to a few. There are a few that now is not got right through the internet, one of Heineken beer that is on a billboard in San Patricio and at stops de guagua y otro del cereal Raisin Bran. Abajo les dejo con varios anuncios publicados en revistas o pasadas por televisión./ I'm back, I was distraught with other stupid things, but now I'm back to normal. Anyways, these past few weeks I've noticed many commercials, be it in TV or in magazines, that are using bicycles as props, I've decided to post them up here. There's a couple I can't find in the internet, such as one that's here in PR by Heineken and a new one from Raisin Bran which I just saw yesterday. I'll leave you with the others below.

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